Switching Bodies

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Yo how's life? Mine is okay, fun fact of the day, I'm afraid of the dark and being alone which why I talk to myself often.

Chapter Thirty- eight


I woke up passed out on top of someone, I couldn't even remember what happened yesterday, I think we had a party, to celebrate our awesome fashion trend. I look to see who I was passed out on, it was... I can't this doesn't even make sense, I must still be dreaming.

I pinched myself, nope not dreaming, I was sleeping on top of myself somehow... while the stereotype song played in the background.

I got off myself, to find I had a killer headache, there was wine and beer bottles everywhere. What the crapola, was going on here. Did I get drunk, I think I did, 'Man I look hot,' I thought to myself, checking myself out.

I headed over to a mirror to see what I looked like, I was... Romano?!

"What the crapola is going on here," I shouted, staring into the mirror and tugging at my hair, avoiding the curl.

"Huh what's-a wrong," I heard myself murmur, I turned to see everyone was waking up, oh shit, and so were the others.

"Hola Romano," Prussia said, sitting up, oh great, it wasn't just Romano and I switched, the others switched as well.

"Kesesesese vait vhy is zhere two of zhe awesome me," Spain asked sitting up as well, oh god.

"I don't know I'm so confused," I said, sitting down next to a panicking me.

"Why the bloody hell am I the frog," France asked, staring in the mirror, naked, with England.

"Ohonhonhon," England said laughing, while his hands roamed his body, the France and England started fighting.

"Italia! Why zhe hell am I jou," Venziano shouted, his eyes open, screaming at a closed eyed Germany.

"America-san it seems we have switched bodies," I heard America say, while Japan freaked out.

"Wait, what the actual fuck," I shouted, gaining everyone's attention, "Are you telling me we all switched bodies?!"

"What the crapola, this is so insane," The other me, which I assumed was Romano shouted.

"Wait who even did the spell, I mean it had to be Atlanta or I," England in France's body said, fuck it I know who is who, so I'm just gonna call them by who's mind is in the body.

"Hmm well this spell should wear off, until it does, we can violate each other's bodies," I shouted, high-fiving France, Spain and Prussia.

"What-a the hell is-a wrong with-a you," Romano shouted, but a smirk soon grow on his face, shit.

"I'm taking a bath," Romano and I shouted at once, I locked eyes with him and dashed off to his bedroom, laughing the whole way.

"So they're basically taking a bath together," England said.

"Oui, mon ami," France said, smiling pervertedly.

So then Romano and I ended up taking a bath together, we are fucking perverts, except I admit it.

Then Romano and I ended up taking a nap, until the spell wore off, cause why the hell not. Yet, sadly when we woke up we were still in each other's bodies.

"Ugh, how long is this gonna take," I asked groaning.

"I don't-a know," Romano replied, groaning as well.

"Ever wonder what it's like to kiss yourself," I asked, smirking at him.

"Sí, some-a-times I do," Romano said, smirking back.

"Me too," I said, bending down to give him a kiss, damn I am short, I'm like shorter then Japan, that says something.

I groaned as my vision fogged and then I was staring at Romano.

"Hey the-a spell wore off," Romano said, giving me another kiss.

"Yep, now let's go see the others," I said, heading downstairs with Romano.

"Did anyone else change back yet," I asked the somber looking countries.

"No," England said, looking at Romano and I, "Why, did you guys change back?"

"Yep," I stated, popping the 'p'.

"How did you guys switch, do you know if anything, triggered it or something," Alfred asked.

"Well first Romano and I took a bath, then took a siesta and once we woke up I gave him a kiss and we returned to normal," I said, then grinning pervertedly, "Wait maybe you guys have to kiss."

"Kesesesese Vest has to kiss Italy," Prussia shouted, laughing hysterically.

"Ohonhonhon pucker up Angleterre," France said, smirking.

"AmeriPan, is like totally my otp," I said, looking at America and Japan.

"Well first, two people should be demonstrate to see if it works," England said, crossing his arms.

"Uhh Spain and I vill," Prussia said volunteering.

"Alright let's see what happens," I said, staring at the two as they shared a short kiss.

"Kesesese I am back to being zhe completely awesome Prussia," Prussia shouted,back in his own body.

"Sí, we're back to normal," España said, smiling happily.

"Well then next goes Germany and Veneziano of you will," I said, smirking and staring expectedly at the two.

"Ve~ okay," Veneziano said, bending down for once in his life, to give Germany a kiss, and of course I took a picture.

"I'm back to normal, luckily," Germany said, back to normal.

"Ve~ I'm-a back," Veneziano said, smiling happily.

"Okay Francey-pants and Iggybrows," I said, smiling at the two.

They kissed and I laughed while taking a picture. Romano took one as well.

"Alright now America and Japan," I said, smiling.

They kissed, I had a nosebleed and took numerous pictures.

"Alright everyone's switched back, I'm gonna send everyone these pictures, so bye," I shouted running into Romano's room before they could skin me alive.

And that's how all the countries ended up getting pictures of GerIta, FrUK and AmeriPan.


End of le chappy, hope you liked it, hit that like button and subscribe to become a bro today, bye! Also I have a new story it's a collaboration between beautyinallshapes and I, so check that out.

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