Starbucks Makes Me Crazy

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Heheh I'm supposed to be mingling with my family but instead I'm writing, because I love you guys!

Chapter Forty- Three


I began to play 'Love Me Like You Do' from the 50 Shades of Gray soundtrack. At first Icey seemed satisfied, but one I got to the chorus, I got extremely close to him and sang into his ear. Very sexually.

He at first just ignored me, so I pressed closer to him. I watched his face go red, Denmark was laughing in the passenger seat and Finland was laughing as well, next to him. Norway who was driving, knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel. Sve was just watching.

"Okay stop," Iceland shrieked, as my hand trailed up his leg.

"Alright Sve and I are gonna listen to some music now," I said before playing 'His Name is Pewdiepie'.

Sve and I silently danced along, annoying the hell out of Icey when I grabbed his hand and forced him to somewhat dance along.

"Vhat do you vant," Norway asked as we pulled into a drive-through, which of course was crowded.

I pulled up the Butter Beer recipe, that was said to taste like Butter Beer from Harry Potter. I'm down with the Potter.

"Here Norge," I said, handing it to him, he nodded and surveyed it.

Everyone then told Norge their order and when we got to the machine he said all our orders in Norwegian, I think.

Once we got to the window Norge forced Denmark to pay, smart choice.

Once I got my frap and my phone back I giddily sipped the frap, it's so delicious, does it mainly consist of sugar and all sorts of things bad, yes, do I care, no!

"Sugar, yes please," I sang in Adam Levine's high-pitched voice, as I played the song.

"Your so annoying," Icey said sighing, drinking his white girl's coffee.

"Shush and go back to your white girl coffee," I said, sticking my tongue out at him, while pulling down my eyelid.

"First of all you are drinking the same 'White girl coffee'," he made quotes with his hands and continued, "Second of all, you're the white girl here."

"Actually I've been getting tanner somehow," I said, before taking a sip of my coffee.

"You have," Icey said, poking my cheek.

"I don't know how as well, Romano and I sat inside all the time, if anything I should be paler," I stated, then shrugged, "Eh, who cares."

"We should probably get some food for your cat, shouldn't we," Denmark said, holy fuck, I forgot all about that, Pewds turned my brain to mush.

"Ja ve should," Norge agreed, nodding then added, "For once you said something that made sense."

I bursted out laughing hysterically, then Fin joined with his cute laugh, Icey huffed and puffed and ble- okay he didn't do that...

"Let's go to the pet store," I shouted, (accidentally) smacking Iceland in the face with my hand.

"Seriously," Icey said, glaring at me while I chuckled nervously.

"Sorry Icey," I said, I patted his cheek in apology, causing him to grumble something.

"So Sve what do you wanna do now," I asked holding up my phone.

Sve took it and typed something in to youtube and started playing Jaba the Hut. I sang along and Sve sang the lower parts, we sounded so beautiful.

"Ve're at the pet store," Norge said, turning off the car.

"Yay lets get cat food," I said pushing up my glasses, my hands shaking from the amount of sugar I consumed.

"You drank to much sugar," Sve said, holding my hands in place.

"I know I just realized that," I stated my hands twitching under Sve's grasp.

"Ugh c'mon lets go already," Denmark said, leaving the car.

"Yeah let's go," I said, ripping my hands from Sve's grasp and crawling over Icey to get to the door and open it.

"Seriously," Icey said, glaring at me, Norge glaring at him, I mean I was sprawled over his brother's lower regions.

"Yes, seriously, Denmark catch me," I shouted catapulting off of Icey and onto Denmark, who fell over once my body slammed into his.

"Seriously," Denmark asked pushing me off him.

"Yes seriously, I thought I said that already," I said standing up.

"Let's just get the cat food," Fin said, smiling at me.

"Okay Santa Claus," I said, then added, "Also I want a pony for Christmas."

"We'll see just be a good girl and you'll get one," Fin said sweatdropping.

"Starbucks makes you crazy, I'm never getting you that again," Norge said coming out of the car.

"What why," I asked pouting.

"Because I said so," Norge simply said, staring me down.

"Let's just get the damn food already," Icey said, ticked off.

"I agree," Denmark said, as Norge locked the car. Then the Nordic Five plus me walked into the pet store.



So anyone out there good at drawing, if so message me that you'd like to draw the cover, yes I said it the COVER! And whoever I pick gets to be in this story, yes that's right you'll be IN THIS STORY! Well at least your OC will be... So who wants to try?

Icey: *in a dull voice* Once in a lifetime chance

Norge: *even duller voice* Try your luck

Sve: *in deep voice* PockyCat doesn't own Hetalia

PockyCat: No, no I don't, but I'd love to see your art!

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