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Lisa came back from Thailand exactly three weeks after her departure.

Weirdly enough, for once, leaving Thailand left her the same melancholy that leaving Korea usually did. She felt like she was leaving home rather than coming back to one.

Saying goodbye to Minnie had been the hardest part. The shorter girl wasn't really one to be touchy, but she clung to Lisa like her life depended on it when she had to say goodbye to her at the airport.

Minnie had managed to slip a bracelet through Lisa's wrist . It was a simple black cord with a pendant in the shape of a shell.

"So that you'll always remember the ocean. And me" Minnie had said in the most vulnerable tone that Lisa had ever heard her using since they met.

"Like I could ever forget you" Lisa said before wrapping her arms back around a crying Minnie.

The two had been both a crying and laughing mess when Lisa's flight was called.

When she turned one last time, she looked at her dad. He had one arm around Minnie and one around Minnie's mother. She smiled, knowing she had left Korea feeling broken and lonely, only to find a new family in Thailand.

Since her mum was working, she had asked Jisoo to pick her up from the airport.

"I see Thailand treated you good" Jisoo said after she had engulfed the younger in a tight hug. Lisa indeed looked like she was glowing. The tan on her skin, the lightness of her hair and the unexplainable twinkle in her doe eyes made her look healthy and happy. The exact opposite of when she had left.

"Oh, you have no idea" Lisa said, smiling brightly before she proceeded to tell Jisoo all the new found information about her new family. The brunette managed to look even more shocked than Lisa had when she had first found out.

"I can't believe you got a sister now! I wish i could meet her"

"Yeah, I wish that too. I feel like she would get along so well with Chaeng" Lisa said, taking notice of how Jisoo didn't flinch like she usually did at the mention of the younger girl. All she could spot was a peaceful look splattered on her face while she mindlessly drove Lisa home.

"So... how have things been since I left?"

"I got a girlfriend, actually" jisoo said with a smirk.

"You did not!" Lisa replied enthusiastically. She couldn't believe her ears. It felt like a lot had changed in those weeks. And she was actually excited to find out more about what she had missed out on.

"I did. Her name's Seulgi" Jisoo answered proudly. Lisa was happy to see the fondness on the older's face.

"I can't wait to meet her" Lisa pronounced the words with a smile while her gaze fixed on the skyline of the city that she could make out from the highway. Lisa was left surprised at how clear the sky had been that day. Usually, pollution didn't let the visibility go farther than one mile.

After a couple of minutes, silence had fallen between them. They let it be filled by the commercial hits that played through the radio. Jisoo would usually despise that kind of music, but she didn't seem to mind this time. It was clear that something else was on her mind.

"I gotta ask you something. As your best friend" Jisoo said, her tone had suddenly become serious.

"You know you can ask me anything, Chu" lisa replied, a slight worry was crippling in her stomach.

"I need you to talk to Jennie"

After Jisoo saw the annoyed look on Lisa's face, she just kept going.

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