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"We need to talk"

Jennie and Lisa both said to each other at the same time.

"You first" the brunette was quick to beat Lisa at it, who had already opened her mouth and brought her hand forward as to gesture her to go on with was she was saying. And, since she, herself, was stubborn, she was more than glad to mimic the brunette girl's words.

"No, you first"

Jennie looked at her with a veil of incredulousness. She certainly wasn't used to Lisa fighting her decisions. Still, there was playfulness as she spoke:
"I said it first"

"Alright" Lisa sighed before finally granting Jennie's request and, as usual, letting her take even this minuscule win "I saw your car here Saturday morning, there was a guy in it"

Abrupt confusion seemed to struck Jennie like lighting as the lightness quickly disappeared from her eyes. Seeing the blonde's expression, she was preparing herself for the worst. Given how Lisa had recognized her car, it wouldn't have taken a genius to put two plus two together and guess who else had been in that car. Luckily enough for her, Lisa was wrong about that and Jennie wasn't taking any chance to disrupt their new found peace because of an unwanted guest.

"It was Taehyung. Can you believe he had the audacity of showing up to my house unannounced?"

"Yes, I can actually" if Jennie knew Lisa well like she knew she did, the slight, almost imperceptible, raise of her eyebrows was a sign of no good. Not only she wasn't buying that Taehyung had showed up uninvited and Jennie's feigned-surprise act but, the brunette guessed, she thought she was lying to her, too. Again.

"What about you" Jennie said, her even darker than usual eyes making Lisa gulp lightly as she took a step forward "do you have anything to tell me about guys showing up to your house?"

If there was something that Jennie knew. No, scratch that, if there was something that could as well be Jennie's signature trait was how attack is the best defense.

Now it was Lisa's turn to look utterly confused. Her brows furrowed, looking deep in thought as she tried to decipher Jennie's words.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she admitted in a defeated way.

"Taehyung said Jungkook went to your house and that you guys talked" Jennie pronounced the last word with venom on her tongue.

"Jen, it's not what you think it is" Lisa said, keeping herself from rolling her eyes at the girl in front of her; still, a part of her couldn't help but think that the brunette looked cute when she was jealous. "He didn't show up, I invited him. And we talked about-"

Their conversation was interrupted by a quite tired-looking Chaeyoung who had reached them, apparently, in a hurry. She looked like she had woken up and dressed in the dark that morning. Her hair that were usually kept in a braid or a low ponytail, were loose on her shoulders, looking like they hadn't been brushed at all. The redness of her cheeks almost matched the one on the buttons of her uniform.

"Have you seen Jisoo?" She said, slightly out of breath.

"Hello to you too, Chaeng" Lisa said playfully after taking in the blonde's disheveled appearance.

"She texted me she wasn't feeling well so she stayed home" Jennie said in her usual serious tone. Even so, there was a tint of surprise to hear that Chaeyoung hadn't known about Jisoo. The two were usually attached to the bone.

"Oh" was all Chaeyoung managed to say, the disappointment clear on her face.


"Nothing, I just didn't know she wouldn't be at school today" Chaeyoung said, suddenly trying to sound as upbeat as possible but both luckily and unluckily for her, there was someone who saw right through her.

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