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Maybe it was the nickname that only she used or maybe it was the fact that she knew she had no rights to act mad but it made her forget everything and plaster a smile on her face. She acted like everything was alright, like she always did.

"Missed you too!" Lisa said, trying to sound as upbeat as possible "I should go and try to pick the best room before Jisoo and Rosie steal it from me" she laughed awkwardly, trying to get out of the situation as soon as possible.

Was she going to avoid Jennie throughout the whole vacation? Of course not, that would be weird, she thought. But she also knew that, if she wanted to make it out the less damaged possible, she couldn't play her game. Or at least what she thought was a game to Jennie. Again, she couldn't really tell what went through the oldest's mind.

As soon as she went to take a step, Jennie gripped her wrist to make her turn around.

"Aren't we gonna share the room like always?"

Lisa was at a loss for words, she stared at the brunette for a couple of seconds before she spoke.

"Well, since you came with Taehyung...I thought, you know..." she said, hoping the red in her face wasn't as noticeable as she imagined it was.

"That's crazy! We've shared a room everywhere we've ever been. Plus you know I'm not with Tae, not like that at least..." Jennie said, managing to make Lisa happy and sad at the same time. Happy because Jennie and her were going to sleep in the same bed and sad because, well, she knew what kind of relationship her best friend had with the guy: they were friends with benefits; and, as much as Lisa knew that it wasn't anything romantic ( at least on Jennie's side), she couldn't help but hate the words that had come out of her mouth.

"Alright then, we should head inside. It's freezing here" Jennie said, before intertwining her arm with Lisa's and leading the way towards Jungkook's house.

It had been indeed Jungkook's idea to go to his parents holiday house in the mountains to celebrate their last New Year's Eve together, as seniors. Everyone had been excited, and still was, for their own reasons. It felt like everybody knew ( everybody but the person of interest ) that Jungkook had been crushing on Lisa since junior year. But, given how the latter had been oblivious, she hadn't seen too much into it when he had asked her to come to his house one day during Christmas break. He had confessed to her. She had turned him down, nicely, or at least she hoped she did.

But the thing with Lisa is that she hates rejecting people almost as much as being rejected herself. That's what caused her to stay in her last relationship for longer than she had intented. She just couldn't say no, to anybody.

So when Jungkook, with his big brown puppy eyes had asked her why she wasn't saying anything, she had to say she had never thought of him that way and that it was all coming as a surprise to her. After what felt like forever, she had agreed to at least take into consideration the possibility of dating him. The week in the mountains was going to be his "free trial", he had said laughing.

After leaving his house, she had felt hopeless once again. Not because of Jungkook, he was a great guy and a had always been a great friend to her. She couldn't be mad at him for having feelings for her. She would have been an hypocrite to think that way, given her situation with Jennie.

She should have told her about her confession but she decided to keep it to herself.
She couldn't stand how Jennie would always encourage her to jump into new relationships even when she knew Lisa didn't reciprocate.
She had sighed when she had decided to persist with her decision, silently hoping that, maybe, the time would come where she could actually make her best friend jealous.

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