Summer Gossip

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Sorry for the long wait. I had to do a lot of brainstorming on how I'm going to make this book different from the first ones. I can't wait to share with you all everything I've come up with.

"Lily, you didn't have to do this. I...I can go to my..."

"Nonsense." Lily waves her hand at me. "You are not going alone to your OBGYN appointments. If Carter can't come I am more than happy to be here to support you."

"Thank you." I smile at her.

"I remember when I went to my first appointment when I was pregnant with Serena."

"Were you scared?" I ask her. She grips my hand.

"Like you wouldn't believe. I didn't have the first clue on what it meant to be a mother and...I was terrified." Lily admits to me.

"My mother died right after my birth and...Bart never met anyone serious enough to be a mother to me and Chuck until you and...I fear I won't be good enough."

"Eloise that is...any first-time mom feels like that."

"Does it ever go away? The feeling of being lost?"

"Honestly no. But your confidence in what you're doing does grow."

"Carter says he's going to be involved as much as possible but...I got pregnant the first time after months of not seeing him. He has been so distant and...he didn't seem that affected when I told him was pregnant." I explain to Lily.

"Men being distant and not taking things seriously. I wish I could tell you that it will get better darling is a hard thing. Take it from me who has been married four times."

"I don't even know where we stand with each other. I...he used to visit every month even for a little bit and for last seven months it's been little to nothing. I...this is not how I wanted the father of my child to be. I wanted more."

"Come here, darling." Lily pulls me close to her. "Men at any age are complicated. They make it hard for us to love them have to keep your head held high. With or without Carter you will be amazing. You will raise your child and you will achieve everything you've wanted." She whispers to me. I nod my head. A knock is heard on the door and I sit up straight.

"Hello, Eloise Bass." My doctor comes into the room.

"Hi, Dr. Gutierrez." I greet my doctor.

"And is this your sister?" Dr. Gutierrez humors Lily.

"I'm Lily Bass, Eloise's step-mother." Lily introduces herself. And we all laugh at the interaction.

"Wonderful to meet you. Now let's see you had your last appointment a few weeks ago to confirm the pregnancy and now we are just..."

"I'm going to be with my family all summer in the Hamptons and I just wanted to make sure the baby and I are okay before we leave." I explain to my doctor.

"Well let's see how this baby is developing. If you can lean back." Dr. Gutierrez instructs me and I do as she pulls the sonogram over and applies the gel. "Now that's a wonderful fetal heartbeat."

"Aww, Ella." Lily starts to cry and grips my hand tighter. "That's your baby."

"Will I get another picture?" I ask.

"I will make several copies for you and your family." Dr. Gutierrez answers.

"How far along?" Lily asks.

"Eloise, you are about eight weeks along."

"Eight weeks!" Lily is so excited about all of this.

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