Saints vs Sinners

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I have a feeling you will love this chapter. It was very fun to write.

Juliet's POV

Serena's phone dings, and Jenny reads the incoming message

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Serena's phone dings, and Jenny reads the incoming message. "Eric just texted Serena to see how she's doing after the blowout with her mom and her fight with Ella. And to make sure she's still on for dinner. Now, the only one left is Blair."

"Here." I hold out a folder. "Give this resume to one of Anne Archibald's foundation board members at dinner." I hand it over to Vanessa. "Tell them that Serena would like to be considered for the position."

"What do I do if Blair sees me?" Vanessa asks.

"Lie." Jenny tells her, which is the obvious answer, and it baffles me that Vanessa is being this slow. Serena's phone rings again.

Looks like the battle between Brooklyn and the Upper East Side has finally come to a head. Word has it, lonely boy and golden boy both declared their love. They gave Cinderina until midnight to decide. That Carolina Herrera dress makes her look like an angel, but this decision is demonic.

"I can't believe it." I let out a frustrated sigh. "Dan and Nate will forgive for anything."

"How do we keep her from making a choice?" Vanessa asks.

"We don't. We make it for her." Jenny announces. I smile, knowing this plan is getting better by the second. While Vanessa and Jenny are distracted, I swipe Serena's phone and send a message to both Colin and Will, inviting them to spend the night with her after the ball, followed by a photo of Serena blowing a kiss to the camera.

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