Breakup and New Found Mom Blues

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Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone. Enjoy this update and more to come. The more I rewatch Gossip Girl the more I realize how the writers messed up on Serena's character.

3rd Person POV

"I shouldn't. I turned a new leaf." Blair is pacing around the living room, unsure of what to do. Nate and Serena look on at her, confused. "A new non-meddling leaf from the trust tree. If the Bass twins want to keep secrets, then...but they shouldn't. Uh, something is bothering them. And neither are telling me about it."

"Do they normally tell you what's bothering them?" Nate questions.

"Well, since they still like me. Yes, they still tell me things, Nate." Blair fires back.


"I sent E over a hundred messages, and she has yet to answer one of them. Chuck is ignoring me and...what am I supposed to do?" She continues to ramble on.

"Blair put the phone down. Talk to Chuck when he comes home. And are you sure Ella isn't working in Europe?" Serena asks. Blair hands over the phone to Nate.

"I had dinner with E and Palmer the other night." Blair says, and Serena bites her cheek.


"I would know if she was flying to Europe." Nate looks at the phone and furrows his brows.

"What?" Serena asks.

"It's this number." Blair snatches the phone back and hears the voicemail.

"Charles, it's me again. I know I keep calling, but you haven't returned, and there are things you need to know. Things I need to tell you and Eloise. I'm still at the Algonquin. But I'm checking out today. I hope you and Ella change your minds."

"Elizabeth Fisher was staying at the Algonquin." Blair shares.

"Who's Elizabeth Fisher?" Serena asks.

"Her name used to be Evelyn." Chuck enters the living room shocking everyone.

"And she's Ella and my mother." Chuck shares.

"Chuck, how is that even possible? Bart told you both that your mother died."

"And he also told me kids wear suits to kindergarten." Chuck fires back.

"And the fact that this was none of your damn business." Ella snaps at her friends. Chuck takes her hand, trying to comfort her.

 Chuck takes her hand, trying to comfort her

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"He told us what he wanted us to believe." Chuck adds. He helps his sister sit next to him and Blair.

"Chuck ran into a woman at Bart's grave and tracked her down." Blair explains. "She told us she was just one of Bart's friends. But I guess..." Nate notices that Ella is fiddling with a ring that she always wears.

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