Turkey Day and Cheap Motel Stays

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I love reading your comments and how invested you all are in Ella's relationships. I can't wait for you all to read this update.

Lily's POV

"GiGi, may I be excused?" Palmer asks me.

"Of course, baby." She wipes her mouth, leans over to kiss me, and then one to Rufus. She goes to grab her plate. "Oh darling..."

"I can do it." She insists and walks carefully towards the kitchen, where she places her plate in the dishwasher. "Thank you, RuRu, for the spaghetti."

"You're more than welcome, Palmer." She skips off towards the living room, where she has her toys. She turns on the TV and begins watching a movie. Rufus can sense my tension. "I know it's not my Bolognese."

"No, Rufus, I'm sorry. It's delicious." I assure him. "I'm just, I'm just upset about this Serena situation."

"I thought we'd all moved on and that Serena broke things off with Will. The Post is apologizing. The dean can't force Serena out of school, and by next semester, the whole thing will be forgotten."

"Well, it would be a lot easier if Will was the first teacher that Serena had been involved with." Rufus looks at me, shocked.

"Really? Someone at Constance?"

"Boarding school."

"Boarding school? Serena was just a kid."

"Serena was never a kid. Believe me. This was after the Shepherd wedding. Pete Fairman. It didn't end well. I was lucky I found a way...to handle it." I explain without telling him too much. And I don't want to say too much where Palmer could overhear.

"Well, just because it happened then doesn't mean it's happening now." Rufus assures me, but it's not that easy. Nothing with Serena ever is.

Ella's POV

"When did you find the time to bake?" Colin asks as he enters my kitchen.

"I didn't sleep." I answer as I take my pecan pies out of the oven.

"Babe, I told you the text didn't matter to me. I have no interest in your sister."

"No, but she has an interest in you." I fire back as I slam the oven shut. I can't tell Colin about my fight with Nate because that will open a bigger can of worms.

"And if she does, that doesn't matter because I don't share the same feelings."

"I know you..." I let out a big sigh. "Serena has never struggled getting anything she truly wants. Even with her bad girl and partying all night ways, she is still seen as a golden girl. People are drawn to her because she, on her good days, is a ray of sunshine and...People always choose her. And I...I'm tired of losing people to her." I tell him. Colin moves closer to me.

"The only way you'll lose me is if you push me away because I'm all in. I love you." I look at Colin, and I feel at peace. "I just wanted our first holiday together to be drama-free, but that was impossible."

"It can still be a good holiday. You're making pie, and...does anyone in your family know how to cook? Because I've never even seen them make toast."

"Well, Rufus can cook, but we usually have Thanksgiving catered." I assure him.

"Where's Palmer?"

"She stayed the night with my mom and Rufus. I felt I was going to get home too late from the party, and I didn't want to make her stay up that late. She's probably helping my mom and Rufus set the table." I answer.

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