Trouble in Paradise

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Sorry for the long wait between updates. I hope you all enjoy this update and let me know what you think.

"So are you spending the holidays with that ass?" Chuck and I are finally talking again after ignoring each other for weeks. That's typical for us after we've gotten into a fight. Time heals all wounds or we would like to think they would.

"Not all holiday. Carter is spending some time with his family but we've already exchanged gifts."

"You two bore me."

"Because we're happy?" I ask my brother who is downing his third drink.

"You don't even know who he is?"

"I am beyond piss that he stole from you and took money from Nate when he didn't have any. I know he wronged you both but I love him, Chuck."

"Love is nothing."

"Why are you being extra bitter today?"

"I'm not."

"Are you sure it doesn't have to do with a certain someone." I ask and he sits straight up.

"What do you think you know?" My brother raises his brow at me.

"Well, I definitely don't know that you and Blair have been hooking up." Chuck is out of my bed in a heartbeat and even spilling some of his drink.

"You liar!"

"You spilled your bourbon on my bed!"

"You know nothing!"

"If it's not true why are you so upset about it?" I ask and he stops his yelling.

"What do you know?"

"Serena saw you and Blair making out at her birthday party. I know there have been a few other times. Anything more than that?"

"Nothing that my sister needs to know."

"You want to know something."


"I had a pregnancy scare when I came back this summer."

"But you're..."

"No I'm not but there was a time I thought I was."

"Are you worried your boy toy Baizen would leave you and the baby?"

"Well I'm not pregnant so I don't have to worry about it."

"But you do."

"Being a teenager with your whole life in front of you and getting pregnant before you even know what you want in life is a hard thing to swallow." Chuck squeezes my hand.

"If we ever have to face that possibility know this...I would gladly give my whole trust up for you and your baby."

"You would do that?"

"You're my sister. I would do anything for you." Chuck places a kiss on my cheek.

Christmas came and went but not without its usual flair. Bart proposed to Lily van der Woodsen. I know they were fooling around but I had no idea he was that serious about her. It's weird to think that one of my best friends could possibly be my step-sister. Lily hasn't answered Bart even though she went on vacation with him. Nothing is certain yet but Bart wants a meeting with Chuck and I. Mostly to ensure his children act like they are supposed to.

"Chuck, Ella please come in." Bart says and we enter his office that we despised growing up as children. It was always forbidden to come into his place of work unless we were summoned.

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