Wedding's and Traditions

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Thank you for being patient in between updates. Since this is my second time writing this series it does take me longer to come up with new chapters. I hope you all enjoy this update.

3rd Person's POV

Nate leaves The Empire to find Carter Baizen walking up to him. "Nate Archibald." Carter greets him like there's no issue between them.

"What are you doing here, Baizen?" Nate questions. 

"I'm just dropping something off to Serena."

"How about you stay away from my girlfriend? What do you want from her anyway?" Carter smirks at Nate's failed attempt to intimidate him.

"She's the one who wants something. And it looks like I'm the only one who can give it to her." Carter doesn't give Nate any insight into what Serena is doing with him. "I guess she hasn't told you what that is, huh? What can I say? She trusts me more than you."

"You shu..."

"It's funny." Carter interrupts Nate. "How did you get my leftovers." Nate sees red as he grabs Carter's jacket by the collar.

"Don't ever speak of Ella like that!" Carter smirks, knowing he has Nate right where he wants him.

"Who said anything about Ella? I was talking about Serena." Nate's eyes widen, and he realizes Carter played him. "Still hung up on Ella Bass, are we Archibald?" Carter smirks as his work is done. "I gotta run, but if you need anything, I'll be at the St. Regis. Of course, Serena already knows that." Carter walks away feeling victorious just as Jenny and Eric approach Nate.

"Was that who I think it was?" Jenny asks.

"Was Serena at breakfast with you guys this morning?" Nate asks, point blank.

"Yes." Eric lies for his sister.

"No." Jenny contradicts him. "Why? Did she say she was?" That's all Nate needed to hear to know his fear is coming true.

Dorota and Vanya's wedding festivities continue with a party to celebrate the happy couple. "Hi, Palmer." Dan greets Palmer.

" Dan greets Palmer

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"Hi, Dan." She replies.

"Sorry for being late. She couldn't decide on what to wear." Ella tells her friend.

" Ella tells her friend

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