Who's Telling the Truth?

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Any guesses on Ella's guy before he's revealed?

3rd Person's POV

"Sorry ex...Dan?" Ella is surprised to see her friend at Hamilton House.

Dan?" Ella is surprised to see her friend at Hamilton House

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"Hey, sorry things have been busy." Dan and Ella hug each other.

"I know. Work has been insane."

"Speaking of insane. I heard from Nate that you're going to guest lecture here?"

"Just for the first six weeks. The main Professor is Martha Chamberlin." Ella explains.

"That's still amazing. People can really learn from you."

"You mean that?"

"Of course. You're still one of the most brilliant people I know." Dan compliments her.

"Thanks. Are you here with Nate?" Ella looks for their friend.

"Yes, and Vanessa wants to talk."


"She thinks more than just a kiss happened between Serena and me." Dan answers.

"But nothing more happened, right?"

"Right! But she has it in her mind that I'm lying. She's getting all worked up about it, especially after the most recent Gossip Girl blast."

"Which is untrue." Ella defends Serena. "Spreading a false rumor about someone's medical information is wrong on so many levels."

"I agree. Did you come with a date?"

"No. Just by myself."

"You hungry?"

"Always." Dan spots some food at a table and leads Ella over there.

"Free food is the best." Ella says as she and Dan dig in.

"Thanks again for the care package you made for me after I told you Milo wasn't mine." Ella looks at her friend with sympathetic eyes.

"You loved him like any good father should. Just a lesson learned: never trust Georgina Sparks. Ever."

"You could say that again." Dan agrees. "How do you have time to guest lecture with all the work you do?"

"I'm taking some time off from international work for a bit. If the job isn't in the city or a state nearby, then I don't do it. Modeling won't be my career forever. Palmer is going to start school next year, and I want to spend this time together while I can. I can never get it back."

"True. She seems very happy, by the way."

"Thank you. It's all I ever want for her is to know love and happiness so she can hold on to that when life gets hard."

"Oh, you have some..." Dan holds out a napkin to dab away the sauce on Ella's cheek.

"Of course." Dan and Ella look confused at the comment and turn to find Vanessa glaring at them. She turns away angrily.

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