Involuntary Hold

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I know it's been a while since I updated last. Life has been crazy, but I'm happy to be getting back to my stories. I hope you all enjoy this update.

3rd Person's P.O.V.

Rufus heads over to Lily, who is trying to hold it together. He sits down next to her and drapes his arm over her shoulder. "All they could tell us is what we already know. She dialed 911 from a motel in Queens and that drugs were involved." He tells Lily, who isn't surprised.

"What are we supposed to do?" Lily asks her husband.

"For now...just be here when she wakes up."

"I'm gonna go get a cup of coffee." Rufus squeezes her shoulder, letting her know he would get it for her, but she gives him a look, telling him she needs the space. Rufus calls Jenny, needing to inform her about Serena.

"Hi, dad. What's uh going on?" Jenny asks.

"Hey, sweetie, I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but... Serena's in the hospital. Looks like an overdose."

"Oh, my God. Dad, what..."

"We're hoping she's gonna be fine. If it's okay with your mom, I'd really like you here with us." Rufus tells her. "I know you and Serena have a complicated past, but at the end of the day..."

"No, no, uh, of course." Jenny is freaking out because she fears the scheme she concocted with Juliet and Vanessa caused Serena real damage. "I'll get there as soon as I can. Dad, can...Just tell Lily how sorry I am."

"I'm sure she'll appreciate that."

At the van der Woodsen/ Humphrey home, Vanessa walks carrying her tofu stuffing, finding no one there. "Hello? Is anyone home?" Dorota comes around the corner with Anna strapped to her chest.

"Hi, hi, hi."



"What are you doing here?" Vanessa asks.

"Holding down fort." Dorota answers.

"Why? Where is everyone?" Vanessa asks.

"Maybe you should call Mr. Humphrey." Vanessa's phone dings, and she reads a message from Jenny telling her Serena is in trouble and that they screwed up.

Back at the hospital, Lily and Rufus hang around by the coffee cart, waiting for Serena's doctor to speak with them. "Mrs. Humphrey? I'm Dr. Keller. It was a drug overdose, but it wasn't severe. We have her on fluids right now, but her liver and kidneys look fine." Dr. Keller informs Lily and Rufus.


"Uh, what now?" Rufus asks.

"Well, she's stable, so as soon as she wakes up, we'll have to discharge her. I was wondering if you wanted to discuss a place for her recovery." Dr. Keller inquires. "I understand your family had a good experience with the Ostroff Center."

"Well, she's not a drug addict, and she didn't mean to harm herself. This was all sort of a stupid mistake, and as you said...yourself it wasn't severe." Lily tries to downplay Serena's overdose.

"The amount ingested isn't what worries me. In addition to the painkillers and sleeping pills, we found nortriptyline in her motel room." Dr. Keller shares. "It's an antidepressant, but taken in conjunction with the other medications, it can be fatal." Lily is shocked to hear this news. "Was your daughter battling depression?"


"Uh, not that we were aware of." Rufus contradicts Lily's answer.

"I'll give you a minute." Dr. Keller gives Rufus and Lily space.

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