Endless Knights and Politics

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I hated the storyline of Serena and Tripp.

Nate's POV

"All right, so I gotta ask did you bring it?" Dan asks me as I hang out in the Loft with him.

"Yeah, I got it." I pull out the paper bag with the Endless Knights movies. "Are you 100% sure you wanna do this?" I ask him again.

"Yeah, you know, I mean, Olivia and I have been dating for a couple of weeks now. It's getting pretty serious at this point. I've waited so long, it's embarrassing." Dan explains to me.

"Yeah, sure, but once you go there, you can't go back."

"Uh, believe me, I know." I know Dan is not ready.

"As one guy whose girlfriend is in the spotlight, let me share that we are never ready to see our girlfriends through other people's eyes."

"What do you mean?" He asks me.

"The clothes Ella has to wear for work don't always cover a lot or anything for that matter. I walk by, and there's a giant billboard of my girlfriend in nothing, but a bikini, and I have to be okay knowing other guys will see it and fawn over her. I mean, you have to prepare yourself for that stuff with Olivia." I caution him.

"I know. I really think I'm ready."

"Oh, okay. Enjoy, man." I pass the movies over to him. "Six hours of pleasure." I tease him.

"So you really think the sight of Olivia in fake fangs reciting  stilted dialogue is gonna be a deal-breaker, don't you?" Dan asks me.

"Oh, the dialogue's awesome. It's the uh... it's the part without the talking that's the problem."

"Hey, I think I can handle some PG-13 bloodsucking. Come on." Dan assures me.

"Seriously, man, do you not get internet here in Brooklyn?" Dan looks at me, confused. "Okay, Patrick Roberts, who plays her vampire co-star, was her boyfriend the whole time they were shooting this. All the blogs said they got really into it and started doing it for real. Like sex-tape on the cutting room floor real."

"I think the most disturbing part in all this is that you've been reading Endless Knights blogs."

"Ella and I like binge-watched them all during the summer. She is a big fan, and it was fun." I explain.

"Ella's a big fan?"

"Oh yeah. Loves it. And they're good movies. Look, I know you think you're okay with it, but you don't wanna watch your girlfriend with another guy. I mean, when Ella has to do a campaign with a guy, and it's a lot."

"She models with other guys?"

"All the time. But it's different when they are posing together versus comparing looks and noises." I exclaim.

"No, see, that's the problem with your theory. I don't have any idea if she makes noises yet. We haven't gotten to the noises stage. Although we, uh we do have plans tomorrow night, so..."

"You don't know if she makes noises yet?"

"No, why does Ella?"

"No, she's silent." I share.


"Yeah, that's how we're able to have sex in public places."

"Public places?" Dan asks me.

"Lots of places. It makes it very exciting."

"Wow, that is..." Dan's phone goes off. "Hold on a second. Maybe this is her." Dan opens his phone, but his face says this is not a good call.

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