Affidavit's and Lies

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3rd Person's POV

"The official charge is statutory rape and transporting a minor across state lines." Ben's lawyer explains the problem he's facing to him.

"But nothing happened." Ben assures him, but the damage is done.

"The girl signed an affidavit stating otherwise." The lawyer passes the affidavit to Ben and his family to read for themselves. Ben sees Serena's signature clear as day, accusing him of rape.

"I can't believe Serena would do this. Okay. So, I prove my innocence in court. It's her word against mine." Ben states.

"I have to advise against going to trial. They have a witness that saw you at the bed and breakfast. You left campus with an underage student and drove across state lines."

"To a library." Ben argues.

"I know. It's a bitter pill, but the girl's family doesn't want the story to get out either, so they pressured the DA into offering a plea bargain."

"They can do that?" Cynthia asks in shock that people could have that type of power.

"Serena's from a powerful family." Ben shares with his family knowing his fate is more than sealed. Juliet cries silently next to her brother, knowing their lives are ruined forever.

"And we're nobody." Juliet mutters.

"A plea bargain keeps the case out of the papers and keeps your name off the national sex offenders list. You can start over again." The lawyer tries to encourage Ben that this is the best option for him.

"After I serve time for a crime I didn't commit." Ben replies as he tries to be strong for his mother and sister.

"I'm sorry, Ben." Juliet finishes retelling Serena about how she ruined her brother's life.

"Thanks to you, my brother is currently serving a five-year sentence." Juliet continues to glare at Serena.

"I swear, I never accused Ben of any crime. He was nothing but good to me." Serena assures her again and again.

"I saw the affidavit."

"I didn't sign anything." Serena exclaims.

"Then who did?" Serena goes to answer but keeps her mouth closed as it dawns on her what could have happened.

"I just need to know...did Colin have any involvement in this?" Serena asks. Juliet looks to the ground.

"My cousin, he...he has been nothing but good towards my mother and me. He stepped up when everyone turned their backs on us. I can assure you that he had nothing to do with my revenge on you. That was all Ben and I." Juliet explains. "We just wanted you to feel an ounce of the pain we've dealt these last few years."

"So Colin having a relationship with Ella was real."

"I had no idea they were dating until I saw them together at Blair's birthday party. I never wanted to involve him in this." Juliet assures Serena.

At the van der Woodsen/Bass/Humphrey Penthouse, the party for The Post hopes to show everyone that Bass Industries is in good hands. "Lily! The party's lovely." Pete Holmberg compliments Lily.

"Thank you."

"Now tell me. Honestly, how is Serena doing?"

"Oh, she's fine, she just needed a breather. And if it were up to me, she would be at Caynon Ranch right now, but they were all booked." Lily tries to keep up her façade.

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