Modern Family Problems

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Serena's POV

Everyone else goes upstairs, but I stay back to eavesdrop on CeCe and Aunt Carol. "Funny, wanting nothing to do with this superficial world, hasn't stopped you from taking my money." I overhear my grandmother say.

"Oh, you got what you paid for, mother. I showed up, I was as supportive as I possibly could be and now I'm leaving." Carol declares.

"I send you a check every month. Will you stay for this photo?" CeCe orders her daughter.

"That wasn't part of the deal."

"It was always part of the deal." CeCe reminds her. "And just so we're all clear on this. You will show Eloise and her daughter kindness as they are a part of this family."

"They're not even your real grandchildren." Carol fires back.

"Eloise, Charles, and Palmer are very much my family. They've seen and been around me more than you or Charlotte have." CeCe argues. Carol stays silent for a bit.

"I said nothing wrong about Ella or her child."

"Good. Because if I hear another negative comment from you regarding them then there will be a problem. You will be at this photo." CeCe lays down the law, but Carol isn't going without a fight.

"Now I'm going to my hotel to pack and Charlie and I are gonna take the next plane out." Once I know everything is clear I sneak out of the lobby and quickly search for Charlie. I easily find her back at the store returning the dress.

"Serena." She says my name in shock. "Look, I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye." She begins to apologize. "But as much fun as I had, my mom is right. You know, she sacrificed a lot to raise me the way she thought was best. I have to respect that." She defends her mom like any good daughter would.

"Well, she may not have sacrificed as much as you think." I caution her.

3rd Person's POV

Everyone is scrambling for the photoshoot even those who never thought they would be included in the first place. "So, get this, I got a call that I'm being included in the Modern Royalty book." Dan shares with Eric as he decides what tie to wear.

"Hmm, no offense, but why?" Eric asks his step-brother.

"Oh, none taken, 'cause that, was my first thought also. I guess there's some coup d'etat session for up-and-comers."

"Uh, yeah, that sounds totally made up." Eric exclaims. "Um, you know Blair is working the photo shoot. She called to confirm my mom's call time." He shares. "Maybe she got you in."

"Why to raise my social status so I'll be a more suitable suitor?" Dan questions. "Actually that sounds completely like her."

"And you would usually find that repellent except you don't because you like her." Eric declares. "Uh, does Serena or Ella know?"

"It was one kiss. There's nothing to know, yet." Dan defends keeping this secret to himself instead of sharing like he normally would.

" careful." Eric cautions him. "And um...wear a nice suit. I have to go." Eric hangs up and takes another call. "Hello. Yes, this is Eric. What? No, I didn't know I was expected at the photo shoot." Eric rushes to get ready to make it to the shoot in time.

"Eloise darling you look spectacular." CeCe greets her granddaughter.

"Look who's talking. You look radiant." Ella compliments CeCe who blushes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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