Brunch and New Teachers

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"Jack." I try and move past him, but he blocks me again. "Do you want me to keep the threat I made earlier because I will deck you?" I tell him.

"And as lovely as that would be, I wanted to let you know something." He tries to block my path again.

"Move Jack, or I will move you."

"You listen here." He grabs my wrist forcefully. "I will humor you and Chuck with the idea you two thinking this company is your but make no mistake; it's mine."

"And since I know you think because you have a micro dick that you own the world but listen to me, Jack. Chuck and I were given the majority shares."

"So you'll be the face of the company, but it's mine."

"Why, because you couldn't even handle Bass Australia, what makes you think you can handle the main company? Face it, Jack, you can't have the company because you're not worthy."

"You listen, you bitch..." I raise my knee, hitting Jack in the groin, sending him to the ground.

"Come near me again, and I will press charges, you pig."

"You're going to regret that." Jack yells at me.

"Get your ass up; we're going to be late for the meeting." I flip him off as I head inside. I open the doors and jump back, seeing so many people in the library.

"For they are a jolly good fellow...for they are..." The singing stops as Blair approaches me.

"E, congratulations." Blair hugs me.

"Uh, what is all of this?" I ask, confused.

"A brunch to celebrate you and Chuck becoming majority owners of Bass Industries. It's just a little brunch to let you all know we care about you two." She explains.

"Well, that is so sweet of you. I thought this was just a meeting." I say, looking around seeing some member of the board here.

"Where is Chuck?" Blair asks.

"Oh, I thought he was here." I say, confused from what Jack told me.

"Relax. He's in his office." Jack comes near us and makes my skin crawl. "I don't know how much he'll get done after the night we had."

"You were with my brother?" I question Jack.

"Yeah, and I would have loved you to join us. You would have been the centerpiece." Jack winks at me, and I scoot away from him.

"Blair, we need to talk to you." Penelope and the rest of the minions come towards us. "It's important."

"We put a hit on Dan Humphrey on Gossip Girl..."

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