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I really loved writing this chapter. It is such a different take than from my first book and I hope you all enjoy reading it.

"Hey sorry I'm late." Carter greets me.

"How was your flight?" He takes off his coat and makes himself comfortable as we wait for the doctor.

"Long but that's to be expected when flying in from Thailand." There's an awkward silence between us.

"Today is when we find out the sex of the baby."

"Yes, I am aware."

"What happened between us Carter?"


"I mean...we were what I thought was in love and had all these plans and...what happened?"


"No don't Ella me. This is serious. I want to know Carter."

"I don't see how that matters since you've been spending all of your time with Archibald."


"Don't try and deny it."

"Not saying I am. What I am saying is why is it any of your damn business?"

"You're carrying our baby Ella so yeah it is my damn business!"

"And you left me, Carter!"

"We were growing apart. There was nothing we had in common anymore."

"And because of that you just stop calling me and acting like we didn't mean anything to each other."

"I loved you, Carter. made me feel..."

"And look how easy it was for you to move on with Archibald."

"What is your issue with Nate? He's been my friend for all of my life just hate that he caught you trying to steal from him in poker."

"You think Archibald's going to be your Prince Charming?" I scoff at the comment.

"I don't need no damn Prince Charming."

"Hello." Dr. Gutierrez greets us and closes the door behind her.

"Hi, Dr. Gutierrez." Carter and I greet her.

"How are the mother and baby doing?"

"Nauseous and hungry all the time." I answer.

"That is typical. Do you need more of your prenatal vitamins?"

"I just picked her up some more from the pharmacy." Carter explains.

"Wonderful. Now are we ready to know the sex of the baby or are we going to do a big gender reveal?"

"Uh, no big reveal. We want to keep this between us." I answer. Carter does the only kind thing he can and holds my hand as the doctor places the gel on my stomach and ready's the wand.

"Okay, right there is the baby." She points out to us on the monitor.

"That's the heartbeat?" Carter asks as we're transfixed with our baby.

"Yes, and it's very strong. You have a healthy baby." Dr. Gutierrez confirms for us. "Now this is the hands..."

"10 fingers." I mutter and she nods her head.

"10 toes." Carter adds.

"And..." We look and Dr. Gutierrez smiles. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." We say together.

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