Dan's New Roommate

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Sorry for the long wait in-between updates. I needed to focus on some other stories while I worked through my writers block for this book.

3rd Person's POV

Dan opens the door to the loft to find a random man standing there. "Hi, can I help you?" Dan greets him.

"Hi, I'm here for the home inspection." The man answers, and it still confuses Dan.

"Inspection for what?"

"Ah, sorry we're late." Rufus comes running around the corner, followed by Ben. "You must be Ben's parole officer." Rufus leads the parole officer through the loft while Dan stands by, confused as to why Serena's old teacher will now be his roommate. "Well, that's the grand tour. Bedrooms at the back, kitchens in the front. Um, 90's rock relics everywhere."

"Well, everything looks good." Ben's parole officer says. "Ben, I'll see you at the end of the week, okay?" Ben shakes his hand. "This is a pretty great thing you and your family are doing." Ben's parole leaves the loft.

"So...I really can't thank you enough, Rufus, for letting me crash in your old room." Ben thanks Rufus for his kindness. "And Dan, uh, I know this is a huge imposition, but I'm gonna do my best to stay out of your hair. If at any time you want me gone, I am." Dan won't look at Ben.

"I'm sure it won't come to that." Rufus interjects. "The parole board would rather have you in a home setting, and so would we."

"Hey, Dad, can I talk to you for a second?" Dan calls out to Rufus. Ben feels uncomfortable knowing that Dan is going to speak about him, but he also understands since all of this was sprung on him.

"I'm gonna go unpack my stuff." Ben gives them some privacy.

"Are you seriously letting Serena's stalker move in here?" Dan asks his dad.

"I told you last week this was a possibility." Rufus reminds his son.

"Well, I didn't think you'd actually do it. Especially without talking to me first."

"I didn't think I needed your approval." Rufus fires back. "Uh, after everything he's been through, don't you think we owe it to him?"

"Sure, if by we, you mean Lily. Why doesn't he just move into Chuck's old room?" Dan argues. "What do you plan on telling Serena about this? I'm sure she's not gonna be okay with it."

"Actually, she's more than okay with it. It was her idea." Rufus drops this bombshell on Dan, and he feels even more betrayed. Dan excuses himself, goes for a walk, and calls the only person who would understand his frustration.

At Chuck's penthouse, he and Nate play a game of pool. "Did I hear Raina just leave?" Nate asks Chuck. "What is that, three days in a row now? Things are getting serious."

"Not fast enough. We're stuck in this meaningless, mind-blowing sex loop." Chuck complains.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"Raina's the one person that can stop her father from swallowing up Bass Industries. I need her to fall for me, so she'll spare my company."

"Yeah, well, she doesn't strike me as the love-at-first-sight type, so just give it some time."

"Like you?" Chuck fires back.


"You're madly in love with someone only if you're not with them." Nate gives his best friend a look.


"Are you still in love with my sister?"


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