1. Monica Rambeau doesn't know (How could she?)

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"Hello there!" A thick southern-accented voice emerged in the screen.

A whole room of special agents, the creme brulée of S.W.O.R.D gasps at the exactly same time.

Today has been one of the weirdest days at work, to say at least.

The girl seems so much tinier in that good ol' screen but it is notably her -Even without full reality-alike colors.

It's hard neither to forget nor miss her particular appearance.

"Evie!" Wanda Maximoff light-heartly answers, looking then again like a lost puppy who had just found her new master "I'm happy you finally came around!"

"And at such time!" Evangelina Ra'lk-Uar jokes, half-smiling, walking through the living room to the new-to-be mother.

Captain Monica Rambeau stares at the girl with such a clumsy expression that makes all the specters watch the scene with tense horror.

"Oh my god..." Doctor Darcy Lewis finally chokes in, breaking the silence between her and her new companion, special S.W.O.R.D agent Jimmy Woo "She really has no idea."

On the retro screen, the petite girl that holds one of mighty Wanda Maximoff's twin babies wearing nothing but a soft smile in her face is ms. Evangelina Ra'lk-Uar.

A very known, very feared character in the normal, outside world.

But Monica Rambeau doesn't know about her just yet, how could she?

Three weeks and a half back in the job, back into this new and strange world for a newbie like herself. How much information could she hold without break?

S.W.O.R.D needed her and all her knowledge and skill.

They certainly couldn't afford to lose her twice, not in this very specific time.

Special Agent Jimmy Woo wheezes as he senses his bosses losing their shit behind him.

Where are those women? What are they seeing? What is this all about?

How complicated this would be?

Doctor Darcy Lewis bites a chip, holding it with anxious, trembling fingers. She and Mr. Woo exchange a look, just for a quick moment. Needing the reinforcement from each other.

Evangelina Ra'lk-Uar, a powerful alien witch, a daughter of Titan, a despicable assassin... laughing and dancing along at her own musical beat in a way so naïve that it just feels unlikely and wrong.

Looking like nothing is off at all, as if that's how's everything has always been for them. Like that's simply what you do after causing chaos on Earth and disappearing into thin air for years.

White short hair. Under the ears length. Pale skin. Completely white skin. Long, funny and pinky dress. Big green earrings hanging from perfectly human-shaped ears.

Evangelina definitely looks like herself somehow, but not quite.

With that style, she looks a lot more normal, more human even. Mixing perfectly with the rest of the show's characters despite her obvious abnormalities. Because even with the modifications, no one else has a hair color so irregular as pure white nor a skin so vibrantly pale.

Someone must have changed her to blend in nice and smooth, same as they must have with Wanda's style.

Evangelina now has eye pupils, some pale baby blue eyes where before it have just been plain white, anormal plain white. A pair of thin new blonde eyebrows over the new pair of eyes and, and... Nails!

There's no sign of the black scars in her neck nor of the irregular marks in her arms from when one of her horrendous explosions on Earth went almost fatal to her.

Evangelina looks like herself, yes, but maybe more like an Evie (As Wanda Maximoff calls her). But she does not look like Evangelina Ra'lk-Uar, a proud daughter of her home planet, Titan.

Someone mumbles behind something about calling the Avengers and someone replies there's no longer any Avenger able to help them and that it's better to keep the rest of them out of this. No good had ever came from involving them, especially when no even S.W.O.R.D itself has an idea about what the fuck is going on.

Jimmy Woo surely feels so bad for the newbies.

Such a complicated welcome.

"Twins" Captain Monica cheerful says to both women "How wonderful!"

Wanda looks at them both smiling but her eyes still seems unfocused. Her behavior is, at least, very, very weird.

As if she's missing something.

"I was a twin" Wanda softly says, now back at watching the new babies in their cribs, then, her eyes jump to Evie's smiling face "You knew him"

"We three had a lot of fun together for sure!" Evie shortly cuts Wanda's monologue, still smiling brightly but now looking somehow affected too.

Evangelina's eyes got wet, shining for the reflection of light into the water of her hidden tears. She doesn't stop to smile nor to softly mumble some unknown tune.

Monica look at Evangelina like she's the most inconvenient person she had ever encountered. It last just for a few milliseconds and the shot is not in first camera so it is easy to miss.

Obviously not to miss Darcy, that has been watching the show footages for six hours straight.

"Your brother" Monica says and Darcy holds her bag of chips tighter "He was killed by Ultron, wasn't he?"

Watery eyes, trembling hands, Evangelina frowns her brand new pale eyebrows at Monica and Wanda goes back to her, looking directly at her.

The scene shortly cuts.


Darcy gasps over her own seat: Evangelina Ra'lk-Uar's involvement is TROUBLE, big-ass-seven-lettered capitalized trouble.

Not even for the fact that she IS a daughter of Titan, not for that she was a fair popular name amongst Thanos' followers or the titan itself, BUT because she is powerful, like, really-really powerful also not very much ethical (After all, she had no problems aligning up with a mad man who destroyed half of the universe) AND, especially because she does have a brother, a very crazy, genocide brother who also happens to appear and disappear with all his troublesome rage in the worst times possible.

Like this one.

As they two do ALWAYS came in as a pair.

"Do we need to expect a visit from Evan Ra'lk-Uar just now or is it better to wait a little?" Darcy impulsively says to the air, no specific subject refered to.

Later that night, after they interrogate Captain Monica, special agent Jimmy Woo writes in his board.

Why is Evangelina Ra'lk-Uar kidnapped too?

Where was she since the Beasts' Attack?

Why can't she scape?

~I made a PicCrew of how's Eva dressed for this chapter

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