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"It will happen Evan."

Evangelina had appeared next to him on the beach, in the middle of the Amazonian night.

She knew that she would find him there, where the sky was so peaceful and the stars were always clear-view, away from the pollution and the great problems of the other planets and their great cities.

"You can not do that." Evan answered "People are going to suffer."

Visiting the island of the Amazons in this way was strictly prohibited. They both knew it. Warriors are not friends with portals nor men.

Diana had been emphatic in determining it.

They had cared little at the time, and apparently they both cared little now.

"Since when do you care about something like that?"

Eva, Eva, Eva. His beloved Eva, so similar and so different from himself. He hadn't seen her in a long time.

Before, when they were young, he felt he could not live without her. Now, the figure that appears in front of him feels almost like a stranger.

Today, Eva wears the most normal costume of hers, the one she inherited from her human mother. The one she uses when she wants to disappear, to be confused amongst the humans of her land.

Tall jeans and a tight T-shirt. Those delicate curves of her, barely sticking out of the fabric with old-fashioned prints and beautiful buttons.

In the moonlight in a forbidden land, hidden where they both knew there was little to no noise they could make, Evan Ra'lk-Uar wondered if his alledge twin had gone crazy.

"Eva," the boy emphasized the two short syllables of her name, "You're not being reasonable, but I still appeal to your conscience: What you're doing is not right."

He stretched the tips of his fingers so that the icy waves could better reach them. On the other side of the reflection, the figure of his counterpart (Small, thin, with sharp ears and albino) seemed to have come out of a dream.

"I've seen this before," Evangelina Ra'lk-Uar emphasized, "and she will try to bring him back. I know, I've seen it on other worlds before this one."

Denial. Evan savored the feeling on the tip of his tongue almost as if it was his own.

"I know you're not her."

His feminine company tensed, still visible through the reflection of the water.

Evan might not be a lot of things, like kind nor compassionate, but he was observant.

Also, the last time he had seen her twin, she had been so inflated like she carried a beach ball on her belly.

"I'm worried about her," The stranger said, "about your Eva."

She was a few inches taller than his Eva, and subtly sturdier. She looked a lot more human too, with rosy cheeks, rounder than his Eva's, and her hair was disheveled in the most casual way, even informal perhaps, in that way his Eva never did and never would use.

Evan dug his hands into the sand aside of him, felt the irregularities beneath his fingers, the firm crust of a shell...

Perhaps, the planet of this version had not gone through the terrible famine that Eva had experienced.

Perhaps this version of her hadn't even met those Maximoff demons.

If she had been his Eva, she would not have been so innocent.

Incorporated from one second to the next, Evan surrounded that Eva, the impostor, and broke her neck with a seashell.

Her body fell inert, she barely made a sound impacting to pure sand in that whole abysmal night.

Evan sighed.

Dead or alive, he knew that the message that this Eva had conveyed was true.

Of course his Eva would never come back. Not to him. Not after what they both had done.

The albino gave a dry laugh to the darkness.

His head, that damned brain of his, was going to kill him.

She would never come, she would never ever return to him, but he could almost imagine what their conversation with her would have been like, if he could see her again:

"What Wanda plans to do... " Evan's voice would soften, knowing that Evangelina would no longer listen to any kind of reason. "This is going to change the lives of your people.  Forever."

Evan would have wanted someone to feed his ridiculous desires if he was in a similar situation (Eva was just like him in that sense) but he wasn't going to lie, not to himself, not to her.

"Change is necessary," Evangelina would blurt out, "And it's the last thing I'm going to tell you about it. Leave it alone."

Evan sighed and watched the reflection of the moon disappear into the depths of the seawater under his feet.

Long, so long ago that it seemed to be something from another life, they had lived there. Quiet and peaceful after years of misery. Their perfect little paradise.

Eve had lost everything, in ways he could never lost it.
Maybe that would excuse her actions, maybe it didn't.

The only thing he would confess?

He really hoped that his counterpart was not capable of such a crazy thing.

"Goodbye Eva."

He would know that there was no turning back once she decided the fate of herself and thousands of villagers.

He couldn't have stopped her, had he tried, because she would know exactly what places to aim and what strategies to execute against him. Like she had did before.

Anyway, World 616 was not his problem.

"Goodbye Evan."

"Take care," He would whispered, and then he would proceed to tell her that sentence that he reserved solely for her, "I love you." »

Evan observed the body aside him.

Oh, to be part of another of the dozens of versions of Evangelina, who, although very similar, would never be her. Dead as the others.

Her warning had served him well, but not enough to spare her life.

Everyone in the multiverses conscious enough to travel between them, knew that theirs were forbidden, neither he nor Eve tolerated visits on their worlds.

Without exceptions.

If that Eva was there, it also means that another Evan, one more idiotic and more innocent, would be around.

He had to find him.

Evan left the Amazon beach that night, ready to hunt.

And since neither time nor life were the same between worlds and much less between dimensions: Two years later, Evan Ra'lk-Uar will hear the rumor of a new organization on the other side (His Eva's side), S.W.O.R.D, who will talk about his Eva, knowing the extent of her powers and her weaknesses.

And about how she was trapped in a perfect little paradise, but the one made by a Maximoff.

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