24. Hydra's tentacles

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Pietro and his sister had started frequenting a strange underground base five days ago to participate in "Experiments with minerals of extraterrestrial origin" -According to what Pietro had explained (He hadn't sounded very convincing to Eve).

Wanda and he were ecstatic at the new opportunity in their lives: They had so many projects, so many dreams and really much, but oh so really much ambition.

He had told her that this experiment would give them the ability to change the world, probably. To re-do things well.

Eve loved him for things like that. He was just so pure.

Evan did not like him so much. He really he thought that Evangelina had lost her mind by falling in love (Truly, fall in l-o-v-e) with a boy who had such a complicated backstory in each universe they have ever went to.

Eve wasn't going to lie: She was worried about them, really worried. But she she couldn't, she wouldn't intervene in their decisions -In his decisions.

Hydra's doing was no mystery to any of the Ra'lk-Uar's but Eve knew better than to mess with anyone's will.

It never bring no good to anyone involved.

Anyway, she still could (and would) get into the facilities to check on them every once in a while (Just to be sure they were being treat fairly and didn't have any kind of need).

Oh yes, the perks of being able to space travel at will. They could always be together, no matter how far apart they were from each other.

Evan was less than pleased by her new feelings for the boy but he still accepted to accompanied her.

So, yep, today was her surprise visit. One that would bring many, many questions, for which Eve had rehearsed each answer (With Evan's help, of course).

She just wanted to visit her cute little boyfriend aaaaaand maybe, kiss him a little bit.

Now, they were inside a long, long corridor, too many feet underground (Eve and Evan hated being under the ground. It was nothing short of a suffocating feeling).

Dozens of doors pressed against each other. Walking slowly to find...

"Your boy's door" Evan announce "I think this is the one"

He was leaning against a tall, iron square that had an electrical panel to access the interior.

Eve smiled brightly at her Evan.

No wall, no barrier, no limit could keep a Ra'lk-Uar out of it. Certainly, there was not a known material that could keep Eve out.

They put their hands together, left with right. Their rings (gold for Eve, silver for Evan) briefly lit up. The albino's skin was charged with electricity.

She felt alive.

"Promise me you will be ok" Evan had said, extending his little finger in front of him "That you won't get in any trouble we can't get out of"

Eve was genuinely touched by the behavior and support of her male counterpart. Evan surely hate her world, but he surely would do anything for her. Even broke into a sort-of terrorist organization just so she can visit her sort-of boyfriend.

"It's a promise" Eve answered, lifting her pinky finger to hold Evan's "Never get into any kind of trouble we can't get out of"

"What are you?" Pietro had joked, so casually that it had even made her smile on that cold winter afternoon "Are you an experiment too?"

He was quiet inside his room -Well, the room he had been assigned by the organization. Pietro was lying on his bed and Eve approached him to sit next to him on the bed, cross-legged at his side.

She knew she didn't have to be there, but she had still appeared there, just when she knew he would be free to talk to her, on an extremely important serious topic.

Her stomach had contracted. Really, was she all-going for with someone? Eve, who couldn't sit still in the same universe for two weeks, was having a kind of relationship with Pietro (And they had been dating for more than five months!)

It might seem like little time, but Evangelina was not constant with anything in her life -Much less with someone, with a relationship.

And if she really wanted to be serious with him, she had to also be honest.

That was why she had come in there, materializing out of thin air through the walls.

Pietro didn't even look horrified. A little scared maybe, yes. But he still hadn't asked the bigger questions first thing, although, by this point, it was definite to notice that there was something out of the ordinary about her.

"Far more complicated" Evangelina had answered.

Pietro frowned his pretty eyebrows, not understanding her words.

"I don't know many people who are albino or who have such clear pupils, Eve" He told her, "I don't think there are many people without nails in this world either"

"Uhmm ..." Eve hesitated, looking down to escape the gaze of her partner. "I'm a hybrid."

"I think you're... what's the word for it?" Pietro reached out to caress her hand covered in rings "Exotic."

Eve gave a soft laugh, relaxing just a little.

Pietro would take it well, for sure. They both would be fine, together.

"My parents were ... Well, obviously not the same race and then the product was me" Eve quickly said "A mutant who can make impossible things for this world"


Evie bit her lip -The most complicated thing about her powers was, no doubt, handling all the existing information atthroughout each of the variations of her and Evan's multiverses.

"Forget about it, pretty face" She said, feeling the cowardly running through her veins "It's a better-later-than-sooner kind of talk"

Pietro propped himself up on his elbows and turned to look at her, still half-laying on the bed, arm covered with medical cottons.

He smiled to her, so full of mischief.

"Pretty face, uh?"

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