7. Evan Ra'lk-Uar IS a Terrorist

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"Shut it off" Evan Ra'lk-Uar spetted at a room full of foreign S.W.O.R.D agents.

His skin had turned bright red, as had his eyes. 

It was clear that Evan Ra'lk-Uar was angry, even though he hadn't yelled nor pushed anyone, nor displayed any violent or erratic behavior. But he looked so much like a demon, or maybe like the Devil himself that is was easy to feel frightened by his presence.

All the agents remained silent. Evan Ra'lk-Uar was a guest, a very powerful, from-another-universe and dangerous guest but just a guest after all. 

He wasn't Boss Chief there and even if agents were afraid of him, they were more afraid of their superiors and the chances of losing their jobs.

Evan clenched his jaw, his teeth were about to explode.

Missiles? How dare they...?

Whether these agents knew it or not, Eva hated missiles –rather than hating them, she experiments a deep panic whenever she's close to them.

The missiles built by humans, by the humans from that universe, gave Eva nightmares. Since she was a child, her entire life was marked by those missiles.

Those things were silent, for the most part. The glowing trail they left behind reminded him of those years she had spent surviving under the shells of projectiles –Heavy memories of when they were both children, permanent reminders of the scars engraved on Eva's body.

Missiles! Such idiots!

The expression of horror in Eva's face shown on the computer screen would haunt Evan for many, many nights.

"Sir" The clown agent Haward told him "You're not authorized to be here, please get out"

He was aware that everyone present was looking at them, including that dark-haired, espectable doctor he had spoken to the night before.

He didn't want to upset Eva when she'll get back, enough with having left her for so long.

Long ago, so many years that the memories together already felt like something from another life, they had established rules, rules to peacefully intervene in the other's Home-Dimension.

One of the main ones said something about not hurting the locals, or something like that. He didn't quite remember them that well.

Evan really didn't want to upset Eva when she returned, but for that, he first had to get her back.

"I'm not going to say it twice" Evan told Agent Clown "Stop this madness"

So close to the face of Agent Clown, Evan could see the underlying feeling on the agent's expression: They would not be stopped by words, especially not by his of him –A monster whose there was hardly any information about.

A stranger.

He raised his fist in the air and clenched it, dropping it hard. The floor shook, and, outside the room, screams, and alarms went off in equal measure.

"Wh-what ...?" The clown agent hesitated "... What have you done ?"

Behind them, the sensors on Dr. Lewis' table began to ring.


Darcy was horrified: Outside the command room, there were two convoys, where one of the camp's medical analysis bases used to be.

The tent and walls were totally knocked down under the weight of the vehicles –After all, they had been hit with more than a ton of weight at God only knows how high.

Adjusting her glasses over the bridge of her nose with shaking hands, Darcy caught a huge red spot continuing to spread across the grass around the vehicles.

The drivers looked pale, disoriented inside the cabins.

Jimmy pulled on her arm and Monica pushed her from behind to keep moving. They said something about go over to see what was happening at the barrier, that something was coming out of it. They did not turn to look at the mess of blood and death behind them.

Everyone was running.

Some made it to the limit of the Hex –where they were all going to–, others ran with stretchers and medical instruments towards the vehicles. Someone was crying out loud. There were weapons being discharged far away.

Several meters ahead of them, Evan Ra'lk-Uar was also running, straight to the anomaly that was beginning to materialize outside the Hex.

I did some icons of Eve, would you like to see it?


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