26. A Ra'lk-Uar confesses his Truth

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"And then you died." Darcy told the Vision "Twice. And Wanda had to watch it"

After an illustrative summary from the Doctor, both Vision and Evan had fully caught up with the most important events in that dimension.

"I understand" The synthezoid said "But, what about Evie?"

"Evie?" Evan snorted.

He still hated that fucking nickname.

Too absorbed on his own stress, Evan Ra'lk-Uar barely noticed when Dr. Darcy took one of her hands off the wheel to get his attention.

"Won't you tell us your part, boy?" She directly asked him "What did it happen to your girl? I've wanted to know since I first saw you but I figured you would put a truck over my head" Doctor said while still driving, eyes fully focusing the road again "Now, not so much."

Evan bite his lip. Doctor Lewis nodded her head aside. The Vision looked at him carefully.

"Uh" He said "Eva and I traveled together to a lot of places, but she always liked here better.

>> I guess that's why she decided to make her life here. She was really closed to the Maximoffs, back in... 2004? I think so, in this dimension's time.

"She met Pietro and they... Uh... They fell in love I guess. He and Wanda, uh, they gained ? Yeah, they gained their powers and they started to see us as some kind of guidance counselors and... " Evan breathed in deeply "I don't really know why I'm telling you all of this."

"It's okay" Doctor Lewis said to him softly "Talk about it makes it better sometimes and, right now, we need all the info we can get our hands on."

"After a couple years together, Eva got pregnant" Evan confessed "We didn't know by the time and we needed to travel back to uh, back to my home Mult... To my home dimension"

>> I thought it was the most hilarious thing I had heard of? Eva, a mother? We anhiliated thousands by erasing their timelines and I think that having some kind of mercy is a pre-requisite to being a mother" Evan perceived his listeners tense up "But uh, I guess she just have a soft spot for kids. I know it now. She always wanted to keep it."

>> You see, time and space travel is, uh, complicated to its very least. We didn't know no one that could handle its implications alive aside from ourselves. So she was very worried about her baby.

>> And I thought, so very naive from me, she would be safe in a dimension I found just for her. No being seemed to know about it and, uh... Things were complicated back there and also back here too. I couldn't keep an eye on her always and I decided to put my people first, then was she. I thought she would be fine but I was so wrong.

"She was so hurt" Evan pointed "My poor Eva, she found out Pietro was killed, you see, rumors run faster than light. And then she lost her baby girl"

>> She couldn't leave my dimensions without me and I can't leave hers without Eva, but she managed a way to find me even when I ran away from her... I knew she did unspeakable things to gained that amount of power.

>> I was scared for what I did. I couldn't face her but she faced me and I...

His missing index fingers would forever remembered his only mistake.

>> I didn't heard about her for so long, too many years after it. I was ashamed. We promised to never leave each other. But whispers run faster than light and word about this came to my home, and I knew I couldn't keep it waiting more. I have to ask for her forgiveness I know, for that I did bad things too, I have to rea-...

The Vision interrupted his speech abruptly, cutting his suddenly enthusiasm for talks with a touch of his fingerprints.

"Why did you stop him !?" Doctor Lewis exclaimed "There so much things I needed to know! Like where was he when she disappeared, the Snap? Was it an universal kind of thing? I-"

The Vision looked as confused as him at the Doctor's words.

"Wh-What did you do?" Hesitated Evan.

Damned superheroes with mental powers!

"I'm sorry, mate" The humanoid said "I felt you were getting into something too personal. Keep the charade would have get you into parts of your lives I sensed you won't want to"

Dr. Lewis hit the steering wheel from her seat.

"I need to go" Evan said, trying not to focus all his reserve energy on not attacking the synthezoid.

His powers there were like a battery, with no Mother Boxes nor Eva to re-charge him. Evan only could hold so little without running out of it.

He needed her back.

Evan spread both hands over his head. An energetic field, (A vortex was what they called them here?), forming on the roof of the vehicle, facing a suburban street with classic 90's houses.

He could phantom some streaks of white hair.

Uh, so there's Eva.

After so long, they were going to meet face to face again...

Evan was not too pleased nor too excited about it, because last time they had met, he lost those two favorite fingers from him.

We know now what did happened to Evangelina (Half of it, at least)!

I like the show's ending but i did not like the whole Ralph Bohner affair. For a fact, I fucking hate it🙏But anyway, the goodbye scenes were just so powerful to me!

We are all dealing with battles! In this hard times, I hope you get the comfort, love and support you need to health💟 May luck be with all of you (And with me too, God knows how much I am in need of it)

In other news, and just because I enjoy to tell y'all about my life, yesterday I went to the house of a boy I liked during quarantine and I guess the lesson I learned? Don't idealize people. Please.

We have few chapters to go!

See you in the next update! Feel free to tell me your opinion about the chapter and the show's ending!


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