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"Where exactly are we going?" Sunoo muttered gripping tightly on his bow. His eyes looking ay the mists covering the river.

A week after Taki's death. And just like the ilanders have expected. Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon and Yoongi. The four came early in the morning and brought the ilanders to the other side of the island.

They rode four boats taking the misty river.

On the first boat are Namjoon, K and Heeseung. On the second boat are Yoongi, Jake and Sunghoon. On the third boat are Jungkook, Niki, Daniel and Hanbin and on the last boat are Taehyung, Sunoo, Jungwon and Jay.

"You've been asking that every ten minutes..." Jay tsked holding the lamp while looking at the gray colored water.

"Are we almost there?" They heard K asked Namjoon. He seemed restless as well.

"Don't worry. We're here..." Yoongi spoke as all the boats halted in the middle of the river.

The ilanders looked around with so much confusion in their eyes. They stopped yet there is nothing to see.

"Shouldn't we reach for the land?" Daniel asked pointing at the land on each sides of the river.

The champions stood up and looked at them with a smug smiles on their faces.

"Let's go!" Jungkook muttered and he and Taehyung both jumped on the river. The ilanders stood up in surprise and waited for the two to show up but they didn't.

"What just happened!? Where did they go!?" Jake exclaimed.

"We're going back to Arcadia... There's a passageway on the river bed. We have to go there first to find the portal!" Namjoon explained while he was taking off his jacket.

"Remove only what you don't need. And dive deep until you find the hole!" Yoongi added.

The ilanders complied even though they were confused. They removed the unnecessary things they brought and follow their mentors on the river bed.

They didn't expect that the river was quite deep. But still, they were able to locate the hole despite the dark water.

They followed the mentors as they swim to another land. They scanned the entire place which seemed like a small cave that was formed under the island.

There were a lot of tunnels so if you are not familiar of the place, you'll definitely get lost.

"There you are! I thought the kids drowned!" Taehyung spoke standing on one of the tunnels.

They followed him to the tunnel which lead them to another cave.

"Are we perhaps in the center of the earth?" Hanbin chuckled laughing along with Jay and Daniel.

"Don't put down your guard. You might get killed here before we can arrive at the portal!" Yoongi reminded them pulling his bow and arrow from his back. Aiming to shoot somewhere.

The others stayed alert. They walked in the mysterious jungle with their weapons armed. Listening to the sounds of the crickets and their own breathes and footsteps.

The mentors suddenly halted looking at their left side.

The ilanders looked there as well but nothing seemed suspicious.

"Jungkook. Taehyung. Take them there now..." Namjoon ordered. The two asked no questions and just obeyed his order dragging the boys with them.

And this time, they were running. Their pace became quicker as they began to hear audible growls that's coming from where they left Yoongi and Namjoon.

"What is that thing!?" Heeseung asked hoping to get an answer from the two champions.

"A scamp pawn from Arcadia... They're scattered everywhere in this forest. They must've smelled your scents since you're all quite new here!" Taehyung explained as they keep running.

A few more minutes. Namjoon and Yoongi suddenly appeared sprinting towards them.

The ilanders couldn't help but halt as they watch the two covered with thick green liquid while running towards them.

"Run!!!" Namjoon bellowed the moment they saw them.

"He's injured!" Jake exclaimed pointing at Yoongi who was limping on his left leg.

"Go! Run!" Taehyung told Jungkook. The latter dragged the younger ilanders with him. Leaving Heeseung, K and Hanbin with Taehyung to help the others.

"What the f**k is that!!?" K felt his body shivered followed by an overwhelming goosebumps as he laid eyes on a 10 feet tall creature.

It's face is distorted and only has one working eye, the other one is shut closed and bleeding green. The color of its eye are a mixture of royal blue and red. It's mouth are dripping with black colored acid.

The creature was sprinting aggressively while growling towards them.

"Cover us!" Taehyung exclaimed at the archers as he and Hanbin run to reach the two.

Heeseung and K stayed on their position and tried to remain calm. They started shooting at the creature to slow it down but it seemed like it's immune to any kind of injury.

Once Hanbin and Taehyung reached the two. Taehyung decided to carry Yoongi on his back while Hanbin assisted Namjoon to run.

But as they look ahead, their eyes widened at another creature who was ready to devour Heeseung's head.

"Heeseung!!!" The four bellowed at him.

Heeseung took this as a sign that something was wrong so the first thing he did was bob his head down as K turned to him.

His entire self flinched and was closed to freaking out if it wasn't for Heeseung who crawled towards him to avoid the creature.

The creature looked a little same as the one chasing the four. But it looked creepier with both of its eyes working.

K attempted to shoot but he was trembling with how close the creature was.

Heeseung stood up and pulled the small knife on K's leg, using it to slice off the creature's right leg.

K finally regained his composure and pulled Heeseung away before the creature lands on them.

Using his sword, Hanbin decapitated the creature that tried to devour Heeseung and they continued running with the first creature still chasing them.

"Uhh... I don't know where we're going!" Heeseung muttered. They took a left turn which was the opposite way of where they should really go.

"Just keep running!" Namjoon yelled while he and K are shooting at the creature using their guns and arrows.

"What's taking them so long?" Jake asked with so much worry evident on his face.

"A pawn is probably on their tail! They can't let it find the portal!" Jungkook muttered looking around the forest from the top of the tree.

They already arrived at the portal which is one of the big trees in the forest. To know it's open, the tree dances and forms a hole on the middle of its trunk indicating that the portal is opened.
It can also only be opened by warriors and Arcadians.

Jungkook widened his sight further forming it into slits. And as he was looking on the West side of the forest, he recognized the ten feet tall creature running towards their location.

"F**k!" He cursed and immediately pulled his gun from its harness. He tried to target the creature but it was too fast and moves too much.

He jumped off the tree and the ilanders gave him a mixture of worried and confused look.

"We need to hide! They're coming here and that thing can't know this is the portal!" Jungkook muttered and began dragging them away.

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