Tᕼᗴ ᑕᕼᗩՏᗴ II

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"Guys... What is that?" Sunoo pointed somewhere far and everyone turned.

As soon as Jay and Sunghoon recognized what it was. They felt the same fear from that night coming back to them.

It was the moving statue approaching them forming a battalion line.

"W-what is that!!?" Taki exclaimed as he hide behind Jake.

"That's them... The moving statues..." Sunghoon whispered.

"We should go! We gotta go!!!" Sunoo started panicking as he start pulling them one by one.

Half of them stood frozen. They couldn't believe that the statues are really moving.

"W-wait! What about Heeseung hyung and the others!" Jungwon exclaimed but he was already being pulled by Jake.

They ran away from the moving statues and went to the cage. They hid in there and tried not to make any sound until the statues passed them.

"Guys... Doesn't it seem very quiet to you?..." Niki whisper-asked.

"Of course it's quiet... We are hiding!" Sunoo replied.

"No! I mean! We're in the cage... Shouldn't a few of the animals here are making noise?" Niki asked again.

"Niki! Just be thankful that it's quiet! Now don't make any noise anymore!" Sunghoon scoffed at him.

"But wait! What about Hanbin hyung and the others?" Jay asked.

"We can't go back for them for now! Don't worry! I'm pretty sure we'll be back there first before they do!" Jake patted Jay's shoulder.

After a few minutes. They decided to return back to the ground. To their surprise, the table where they got their weapons is now gone.

"Something don't feel right!" Sunghoon said and he started scanning the whole Ground over and over.

* * *

A few minutes after the four entered the forest. With Hanbin leading them on the front.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Nicholas asked. He sounded a little restless.

"We are searching for something which the growl probably came from! But I reckon it's probably just one of those guard hounds at the pit!" Hanbin shrugged his shoulder as he continue swinging his sword in front of him.

"Stop that Hanbin! You might hurt yourself!" Heeseung told him and he just laughed.

"Wait! You just said guard hounds! At the pit! What do you mean by that?" K asked and Hanbin paused making the rest of them stop on their tracks too.

Hanbin slowly turned to them with a faint smile. "There are hundreds of hounds guarding the pit. The mentors didn't chained them so they are just wandering around the pit. They never left that area so we're pretty safe!" He explained.

"Hanbin! How did you know all this?" Heeseung asked as they continued walking.

"I'm pretty sure you guys already know that I'm one of those guys who used to sneak out during lights out!" He chuckled.

He turned to them and walked backwards to match their pace.

"Jay told me that he already told you guys about the four of us sneaking out! Given that why we're here! But anyway! I think I got used to sneaking out! Me and Kyungmin!"

"So after our training at the pit and everyone are resting. Me and Kyungmin sneaked out of the graveyard. We've already seen the entire pit! And with Geonu in there, I'm pretty sure he'll do the same thing in no time!"

"Wow! You guys are pretty brave of breaking the rules!" Nicholas shook his head and Hanbin only laughed.

The four laughed at Nicholas' statement. But they all stopped when they heard something that moved quick.

It's not very far from them.

The four formed a kill circle and became alert of their surroundings.

"What was that!" Heeseung whisper-yelled.

"Hanbin!?" K turned to him but the latter only remained silent.

In a few seconds, they heard it again and even caught a glimpse.

"A hound!!!" Hanbin yelled and draw his sword to it.

Heeseung and K aimed their arrows while Nicholas prepared his daggers and blades.

"You said they never leave their area! What the hell does a hound are doing here!?" Nicholas exclaimed.

"I don't understand! They're not suppose to be here!" Hanbin yelled in frustration.

K was quick. When the hound suddenly appeared. He shot it with his arrow.

Heeseung and Nicholas shot it too but it was quick. Nicholas was going to chase it but Hanbin stopped him.

Then he pointed at their right. It was a pack of hounds marching to them. With their teeth ready to grind their flesh.

"Guys! Pay attention when they attack! Their weak part is their limbs!" Hanbin said and they started attacking.

There was so many of them. Heeseung and K ran out of arrows. Nicholas only had a single dagger left in his hand.

"F**k!!!" Heeseung yelled when one of the hounds jumped on him.

He would have lose his head, if it wasn't for someone that shot the hound on its head.

It was Sunghoon. The rest of them followed the four to the forest.

He helped Heeseung stand up and gave one of his gun. They were able to kill all the hounds together.

But then...

"We should leave the forest! More of them will surely come!" Hanbin said and everyone agreed.

The archers picked up their arrows. While Nicholas and Taki retrieved their daggers. Then they ran back to leave the forest.

But as soon as they got out. They were greeted by the statues with their crossbows pointing at them.

"Everyone take cover!!!" K yelled and they all hid behind the tree when the statues started shooting.

"Aaahhhh!!!!" Jungwon exclaimed after getting shot on his shoulder.

Hanbin immediately ran to cover him. Taking the shots with his sword.

While Jake and Sunoo grabbed Jungwon.

"We can't stay here! We have to lose this freaks in the forest!!!" Nicholas yelled.

"But there are hounds in there!" Taki exclaimed.

"Nicholas is right! We can't stay here!" Heeseung yelled. "It's either we get killed here one by one by this statues! Or find the chance to survive in the forest!" He added.

They decided to return to the forest instead. As they keep running, just like they expected. The hounds are now behind their tracks.

"What do we do!? There's too many of them! We won't make it if we keep running like this!" Jake yelled.

All twelve of them stopped on their tracks. And the hounds surrounded them as they form a kill circle.

Guess what happens next....

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