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262 19 4

Jay, Sunoo, Jaebeom & Sunghoon

The four arrived at what looks like a throne room. Though there aren't any windows that can be seen on the walls.

Inside the throne room, the floor is flooded with blood and on the middle are a silver pathway to avoid the blood.

Sunoo felt creeped among them just by seeing the blood. And so he stood behind Sunghoon grabbing his shirt.

"Hyung! W-we should go back!" Sunoo whispered at him and the three turned to him worried.

"We've gone this far Sunoo! We can't go back now!" Jay said to him and Sunghoon and Jaebeom nodded their head at him.

Jay looked around once again. Aside from the blood and silver pathway, there's a single door at the end of the room.

Jay was about to step first on the pathway when Sunghoon grabbed him to stop him.

Jay turned to him and Sunghoon pointed at the silver pathway.

"Get back!" He said and the three stepped back behind him.

Sunghoon took off both his shoes. He threw his left shoe on the silver plate and only a split second passed, a series of pins started shooting out of nowhere.

The three were surprised especially Sunoo.

"Booby trap!" Jaebeom exclaimed.

Sunghoon then threw his right shoe on the blood. They waited a minute and nothing happened.

"The pathway is the trap! I think it's best if we don't step on it!" Sunghoon suggested.

They started walking on the blood with Jaebeom and Jay pulling Sunoo. Sunghoon was taking the lead.

They reached the door and Sunghoon stepped closer to listen if something's inside.

When he opened the door, there was another door inside the room.

As soon as Sunghoon and Jay entered the room, the door slammed closed making Sunoo in a frantic panic mode.

Jay and Sunghoon tried to open the door like Jaebeom.

Meanwhile Sunoo, he frozed after seeing statues approaching from the door where they came from.

They were walking towards them in a line. They're holding a crossbow each but of course made of stone too.

Sunoo cried pulling Jaebeom's shirt.

"Sunoo! We have to get them out!" Jaebeom yelled at him grabbing his collar.

He paused when he noticed Sunoo was crying. Jaebeom then turned and saw the statues approaching them.

Like they did, the walking statues avoided the silver pathway.

"What the hell!!!" Jaebeom exclaimed and they started screaming in fear.

"What's wrong!? Are you guys alright!?" Jay asked right after they opened the door again.

Sunghoon yelled after seeing the statues and they immediately pulled Jaebeom and Sunoo in.

Sunoo was already panicking while Jay and Jaebeom are trying to stop the statues from coming in.

Sunghoon on the other side are trying to open the other door.

"Sunoo! Come here and help me!" He yelled.

Sunoo tried to calm down and ran to help Sunghoon.

As soon as the door opened and the two got in, Jaebeom and Jay ran and closed the door.

The door led them to a tunnel. The tunnel had so many directions. They're completely lost and just kept running from the statues that were chasing them.

"F*ck!!!" Everyone exclaimed after they bumped into something..

Or someone.

"Heeseung hyung!?" Jay exclaimed as soon as he recognized the man in fron of him.

"What happened to you guys!?" Daniel asked after seeing how devastated they look.

They all turned when they heard loud footsteps approaching from where Sunghoon and the three came from.

"We need to go!!! They're coming!!!" Sunoo yelled and they started running again.

They arrived on a dead end which made them more frantic and panicking.

Well atleast Heeseung, Jay and Sunghoon were still in their right state.

"Up there!" Sunghoon pointed at the ceiling.

There was a round trap there.

Jay and Heeseung immediately carried Jungwon which the boy tried opening the trap door.

But it's locked from the other side amd they couldn't open it.

"We're doomed!" Jake whispered to himself staring from where they came waiting for the statues to kill them.

Jungwon and the others started yelling at the other side of the trap door in hope that someone is there to help them.

Jake, Daniel and Sunoo started crying again when they heard the footsteps approaching.

As soon as they saw the statues, the trap door opened pulling Jungwon out.

"Jungwon!? What the hell are you alright?!" K exclaimed as soon as he pulled the boy out.

Geonu started pulling out the others.

They were lucky that the trap door was inside where K and his team went. They were busy looking around when they heard loud voices from the trap door.

As soon as everyone was pulled out, they closed the trap door.

The eight ilanders were so shocked that they barely spoke a word.

They were so scared especially Jake, Daniel, Jungwon and Sunoo.

Heeseung was hugging Jungwon to comfort him.

While Sunghoon was hugging Sunoo.

"What happened?!" K asked but none of them were able to explaine.

Geonu facepalmed himself thinking it was his fault that this happened.

K decided to take them out of the South Wing.

K and Jake's room are much larger than the others so he took everyone there.

The young ones are still devastated and  shocked until they fallen asleep.

"I'm so sorry guys... I shouldn't have just let you come with me!" Geonu apologized.

K and the others told him it wasn't his fault.

They stayed in the room until everyone fell asleep.

Isn't it a fun chase?
The young ones must've been so scared!

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