Tᕼᗴ ᑭIT & Tᕼᗴ ᕼIᑎTՏ

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As soon as the ilanders arrived in the heart of the forest. They were moved inside a huge cave like shelter.

Taki and Niki were horrified to see what's in there.

There were a lot of hounds on the first gate. The hounds are chained but if they stepped out of the red line marked on the ground, theu sure will end up into a meal.

The next door was opened that led them to a room filled with different kinds of whips and chains.

All of them were chained and soon brought to another place which took them to an underground.

Taki and Niki broke into tears. Shocked of what they saw. Hanbin and EJ tried to comfort them.

Even though the older ones are scared. Especially when they saw hundreds of glass coffins with bones of probably a dead person inside.

The coffins have nameplates but they barely read it because it's dark.

Hanbin was the oldest among them so he had to make sure he will be able to watch over the young ones.

He is afraid, yes. But he needs to be brave for the others.

"Stop crying Taki! Niki! We're still together okay? We're gonna make it out of here!" Hanbin yelled at them.

They were a bit far from each other when they were chained in the middle of the huge graveyard.

"Welcome! To the House of the Dead! These bones here that you are seeing right now are the previous ilanders! Like all of you! They failed! But atleast died trying!" Jungkook spoke with no emotion on his voice.

"You will stay here all night, so you can think of why you failed your test today! And tomorrow!... We will start your training again to prepare you for the next test!" Soobin announced. He had the same expressionless face like the other mentors that came with them.

"You will have to pass your next test! If you defeat your enemy, they will take your place here in this graveyard! If you return here thrice! Expect that you will find yourself in one of this coffins!" Lisa said coldly.

It hit the ilanders very hard on their mind.

Geonu was right. He's been moping about it for weeks. That they will die if they don't do their best every test.

Almost, half of them are now regretting of joining iland.

As soon as the mentors left them. The young ones started crying, until everyone did except for Hanbin and Sungchul who stayed strong for the others.

"Don't cry guys! We still have a chance!" Sungchul yelled to them.

"He's right! It's a little sad, but we just need to have someone replace us!" Hanbin, deslite of their situation, did his best to smile.

Taki and Niki did not stop crying until they all fall asleep.

They woked up when they heard a loud ring of a bell.

It was so loud that they feel like their ears are about to burst.

They looked up to see the giant, golden bell banging on top of them.

It stopped after a few minutes and their mentors came in.

They took them to a place where it has the same ring as the Ground. Though the place is dark.

And their task was simple. All they need is to catch their mentor in just 3 minutes.
In the dark.

Everyone failed as they are still devastated after staying in a graveyeard all night.

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