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Jay and Jungwon arrived at the North Wing gate. They shared look at each other before nodding as a signal to go in.

It was dark and the only thing that serves as their light are the moonlight coming from the glass roof.

The two entered the North Wing with their weapons aiming at whatever's coming to attack them.

Jungwon is carrying Niki's gun since the younger won't be able to use it anyway now that he's perfectly safe in the throne room.

"Remind me again why we're here!" Jungwon mumbled while looking around.

"I heard K hyung scream. I'm certain that it's him..." Jay answered.

"How exactly did you hear me scream?" The two stopped and immediately looked at each other.

Then they stood side by side and searched where K is.

The voice definitely came from him. But it's strange for him to say such thing.

"K-K hyung? Is that you?" Jay asked.

And after a few minutes, K himself walked out of the shadows as casual as he could.

His eyes were glowing red and his left face are somehow clawed open. Blood are freely rushing down to his body.

Jungwon gasped in shock and covered his mouth preventing himself to scream. And Jay is no difference. His eyes widened with so surprised expression plastered on his face.

"W-what happened to you?" Jay asked with trace of disappointment on his words.

"It's just you're too late to help me!" K said with a grin etching his lips.

"T-that's not true! We came as soon as we could!" Jay fired back trying his best not to cry.

"If you did, I would still be alive..." K said and his tone sounding rather harsh.

"We needed to take Niki to safety! You would have done the same if you were there!" Jungwon cried, his hands shaking while holding Niki's gun.

K started walking towards them as the two step back.

"I would still be alive if you just come to help me!!!" K yelled at them causing the two to flinch.

"No!!! Y-you're not our hyung!" Jungwon yelled back, but his eyes darted at the shimmery figures that are casually laid on the table beside the couch.

"K hyung would never say such thing to us! He would never even want us to come here even if it means he'll die!" Jay added when he as well spotted a name tag. But from another location which is hanged on the chandelier. Delicately.

As the two were stepping back, Jungwon scooted closer to Jay to allow him to secretly grab one of his arrows.
Jay tapped Jungwon as a signal for him to shoot which the younger did.

He didn't stop shooting at K while Jay run around to his back taking the bow and arrow with him. He shot K on the back and charged for an attack with Hanbin's sword.

The two helped each other killing whoever it is that's pretending to be as K.

And once they finished him, they picked the name tags that soon showcased their names.

"If this is not K hyung? Where is he then?" Jungwon asked looking at the dead corpse.

Jay looked around and found the colored doors. The two decided to open it to check if K is somewhere there but all are locked except the exit door.

"Heeseung hyung said he came here! He's probably just behind one of this doors!" Jungwon said pulling his hair in frustration.

As Jay was scanning the whole room, his eyes halted at the piano. The console is closed which made him curious to open it. But there's also that feeling that's trying to convince him not to open it.

"What is it?" Jungwon asked when he noticed Jay looking at the piano.

He arrived at the same hunch though he's the one that had enough guts to approach the piano.

He looked at Jay before he forcely opened it showcasing their missing hyung's chopped body.

Jungwon almost threw up when he saw him.

Eyes opened and red. Mouth is open with his tounge cut out. The pieces of his body were brutally cut and burnt. His face somehow looked exactly like the one that pretended to be him.

Jay and Jungwon frozed and cried. They couldn't attmept to take a second look on his murdered body.

"W-we have to go... N-now that we have our name tags... I-it won't be impossible for us t-to meet this same fate..." Jay cried pulling the younger with him.

The two run out of the North Wing with tears brimming their faces. They didn't noticed the painting creatures that chased after as they only run to the South Wing.

They cried and cried. All they could think of are the image of K invading their minds. That they didn't even kmow that some creatures are chasing them.

As soon as they got to the throne room, the first three immediately welcomed them but confusion cloaked their faces when they realized that the two are so drawn into such miserable agony.

"Is something wrong?" Heeseung asked.

"K h-hyung is gone... W-we just found his body c-chopped i-into pieces!" Jay cried trying to explain properly while crying.

The three frozed on their spot at the sudden news. The only thing they could was to join their agony and wait for the final two members.

Which means that one of the remaining three will have to die too.

"He shouldn't have gone to the North Wing by himself..." Heeseung muttered as his tears threatened to fall.

"Now what?! Who's gonna die next?" Niki questioned them with a little pain evident on his words.

How's that for our long ride....
Stay tuned as we are so close to the end. Only one member left to bid farewell.

Also, thank you for continious support and love for this story. Happy 2K Darlings!!! I love you all!!!!

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