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253 19 4

K and the others ran to the castle's balcony. From there they can see their friends at the edge of the forest.

"Sunoo and Ms.Ryujin are gone!" Sunghoon said.

"Is that Youngbin!?" Jay pointed at the tall person standing beside Hanbin.

They seem to have recognized him as well and got more confused.

"Geonu came from the pit as well..." Heeseung muttered and turned to his friends with a worried face. "Does it mean that each of us will be partnering up with each from the pit?"

Jake immediately shook his head in disagreement. "You don't mean to say that we're gonna let them die for us to survive!" He groaned and punched the statue decorated for the balcony.

They flinched when Jake made a crack on the statue. He seems really mad right now.

"So that's why Nicholas was crying... And Geoun was... Because..." Taki couldn't continue his sentences anymore. Right now, an image of his friends laying dead in a glass coffin are flashing inside his head.

K chuckled with a trace of sarcasm. He clenched his fist and turned back to the people at the edge of the forest.

"Hyung! What are you thinking?" Niki asked as he was the one to notice K acting like this.

"W-what if... They really killed the ilanders that will fail this test..." Jungwon turned to them with the feeling of hopeless.

"Of course they will! If only you've seen those coffins in the pit! I could barely imagine how much they suffered!" Taki exclaimed.

They went silent for quite a while. Until they saw Sunoo and Ryujin running. Sunoo was crying as he ran towards Hanbin and engulfed him wih a longing hug.

Ryujin stood behind them covering her mouth.

"Ryujin! Where are they?" Lisa asked. She felt worried seeing how Ryujin was acting right now.

She rarely get so sad or worried like this. Ryujin was a tough person for them.

"E-EJ is dead! He was killed by the monster!" She replied just as when Hoseok came with EJ on his back.

He put the boy down and looked at Namjoon. He nodded his head briefly as if telling him everything that happened.

Youngbin rushed to the dead boy and cried hugging his lifeless body. While Sunoo only cried and couldn't even dare to look at the boy he just killed.

"Why are you even crying!!?" Youngbin ripped Sunoo away from Hanbin and pushed him to the ground.

Hanbin tried to stop him but Youngbin was quick to snatch his sword and aim it to anyone who attempts to stop him.

Then he looked at Sunoo and gave him a deadly look. If looks can kill, Sunoo would be dying right now.

"What did you do to him!?" Youngbin cried. His hand shaking and barely having a firm grasp on the hilt.

"I didn't want this! I never wanted this!" Sunoo yelled and stood up aiming his arrow at Youngbin.

"It wasn't his fault Youngbin! EJ was killed by the monster! Sunoo was late to have the monster killed as it already killed your friend!" Namjoon said as Hoseok already told him what happened.

Hanbin forcely took his sword back from Youngbin. And then he held his collar tight and glared at him.

"Get yourself together! There is no going back! Instead of whining here, gather yourself and face me in that forest!" He said and pushed him off.

"How can you be so selfish Hanbin!? EJ is dead! Can't you see him!!? He's fu**ing dead! I lost a friend!!!" Youngbin yelled right at his face.

He felt very disappointed when Hanbin only frowned and made a selfish grin.

"In this place! There is no such thing as selfish or selfless! Like you, I lost a friend too! But I made a promise to him! And Iam not losing this now! Because crying here and accept defeat without going in any fight! Everything we have achieved so far will be in vain!"

He stucked his sword on the ground and rubbed its hilt.

"So I would rather have my hands covered with dirt. Atleast I fought to my death! Unlike dying with no fight at all... That would be too big of a shame." he then grabbed his sword again and flashed his so famous smile at him.

The mentors were impressed of his words. They had the same mindset when they were in the same situation.

"Let's go Miss! I have to make sure Sunoo won't lose a friend again!" He said cheerfully which was scaring Lisa a bit.

She thought, Jungkook and Taehyung are somehow like him.

The two went in to the forest first. Youngbin tried gathering his thoughts. He looked at his dead friend and forced a smile.

"Wait for me! You don't have to walk the valley of death alone..." he whispered before gesturing his mentor to go inside the forest.

As soon as the four left. Hoseok and Ryujin agreed of bringing their students to the castle.

There, they were bombarded by the ilanders who were so anxious of what happened.

Jake and Jungwon cried in surprise upon seeing the dead body carried on Hoseok's back.

They tried to reach Sunoo but he was crying while being pulled by Ryujin to the North Wing.

"I-is he dead? Why is his body bleeding!?" Jungwon was starting to go in a panic mode.

As Jake started throwing things and cried. Jay and Sunghoon immediately rushed to restrain him but Jake was effortlessly strong even for the two of them.

"Hyung! Please tell me he's not dead!" Heeseung hugged Jungwon to comfort him. He felt bad that he doesn't know any answer to his question.

They waited again for an hour of three or four. They couldn't even attempt to have lunch nor dinner. Not right now.

All of them stood up as they heard a loud slamming of the castle's doors. Then they saw Youngbin. He looked very injured but was injuring it well. Behind him is Namjoon.

He looled at the ilander one by one before he heaved a deep sigh. Then following Namjoon to the South Wing.

A few minutes later. Lisa and Hanbin arrived. They have smiles on their face but it was sad.

Hanbin ran to his friends and hugged them one by one whispering that he made it. For the hyungs, it sounded like a painful message for them.

After then, he followed Lisa to the North Wing.

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