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"What do we do!? There's too many of them! We won't make it if we keep running like this!" Jake yelled in panic pointing his arrow at the hounds thirsting to eat them.

"Whatever happens! We will survive this night!" K said and they started attacking the hounds.

Even though Jungwon was injured, he made sure he won't be a burden to his friends.

"F**k!!!" Nicholas exclaimed when one of the hounds bit his leg.

Niki offered him help but soon enough he'll run out of bullets.

Jungwon, Sunoo and Sunghoon passed out due to so much exhaustion. Sunghoon, Jay and Nicholas were badly injured as well.

The remaining seven who were still able to fight surrounded them from the hounds.

Heeseung and K had no arrows left. The only thing that's standing between them are Hanbin's sword and the hounds.

They can no longer protect themselves without proper weapons.

One of the hounds jumped to attack them but it was suddenly shot by an arrow out of nowhere.

Hey immediately looked around and...

"Hyung! We're not far from the pit!!!" Taki yelled and pointed at a certain direction.

The hounds were suddenly rained by arrows until all of them are dead.

K and Heeseung instructed everyone to get up and Hanbin, Taki and Niki took them to the pit.

It was a huge cave. And on top of it, there they saw the rest of the grounders.

Jay and Taki felt teary upon seeing the rest of their friends waving at them from the top of the cave.

Heeseung observed them and noticed the golden chains on their left ankle.

"Believe it or not! Those chains will kill them if they step out of this cave!" Hanbin said and both K and Heeseung immediately looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" Heeseung asked.

"Ms. Lisa told me that if one of us tried to escape the pit. The chain will electrocut our body directly injuring our nervous system! In other words, it will kill us!" Hanbin explained and the two nodded their head.

"Are you guys alright!?" Geonu yelled at them from the top of the cave.

The rest of the grounders with him have happy faces just by meeting their fellow ilanders.

"Hey guys! It's really good to see you!!!" Jake yelled followed by a laugh.

"As much as we wanted to talk more you guys can't stay here for long!" Youngbin yelled which is a bitter truth.

"We can provide you a clear path! We'll draw the hounds North to leave the forest! So you guys needs to continue South!" Daniel yelled.

"Geonu! We've never been to the Southern forest before!" Hanbin yelled.

"That's exactly why you're going!" Kyungmin fired back followed by a laugh from the Grounders.

"Here! Take this!" The Grounders started throwing swords, guns and arrows at them.

"You'll obviously need that!" Jaeho.

"Oh and this!" Geonu then threw something to which Jay caught.

"I was right! The key for the chest was right here!" Geonu yelled and laughed with satisfaction.

"Alright! They're coming! Go now!!!" Sungchul.

"You guys better make it! Find the truth for us!" Jimin.

"Yo! Guys! It's so great to see you again!" K yelled and show a thumbs up.

Geonu and the rest of the Grounders wave them goodbye.

They started drawing the attention of the hounds by shooting at the other way with meats stucked on their arrows.

Heeseung carried Jungwon, Nicholas carried Sunghoon and Niki carried Sunoo. Hanbin took the lead as alert as he can.

They ran faster as much as their feet can run. When they arrived at the North Forest. They found a small house.

They rushed in there. K and Heeseung immediately searched for first aid kit. While Hanbin, Niki and Jake stayed outside to watch for something's that might come after them.

"Found it!" K exclaimed after finding the kit.

They gave immediate first aid kit for Jungwon, Jay, Sunghoon and Nicholas. While Taki searched for water for Sunoo, Sunghoon and Jungwon.

After giving their needs. K and Heeseung went outside and joined the watch with the others. Niki went in to help Taki assist their hyungs.

Jake climbed to the house roof. Hanbin stepped further taking a walk around the house. K and Heeseung stood close to the house.

"How long are we going to stay here?" Heeseung whisper asked. But enough for K to hear it.

"Heeseung! I know it's hard! But I need you to be strong! I need you here with me!" K tapped his shoulder.

"I- I just feel like I'm falling short than doing better to protect the others..." Heeseung sat down and facepalmed himself.

K sat down beside him and patted his back.

"Hey! You're doing great! Listen! They need us! You! Me! Hanbin! We're older than them and so it is our responsibility to protect our brothers! You have to be strong for them! And we will make it!" K said and Heeseung nodded his head.

"Alright... I'll be fine!" He said just as when Hanbin approached them.

"What's wrong?" He asked with his usual gummy smile.

"Nothing! We were just talking!" Said Heeseung as they both stood up.

"Alright! I'll just go in and sit for a while! I'll be back here in a few minutes!" Hanbin said and went in.

Sunghoon and Nicholas went out who seemed to be fine now.

For 2 hours atleast. They were able to take a rest. Just 2 hours though.

Everyone outside the house stood up alertly after hearing the familiar growl of the hounds.

"Jake! Come with me!" Heeseung yelled.

Jake followed him. And the two climbed the  nearest tall tree. Heeseung jumped on the other tree and they positioned preparing to shoot anything dangerous that is coming.

"Guys! We have more than dozens of hounds coming here in our location!" Heeseung yelled and they started shooting arrows at them.

"You guys get in!" Jake yelled.

"Get down there right now!" K commanded but he was being pulled by Hanbin and Sunghoon.

As soon as they got in. Hanbin locked the house.

"What the hell! Heeseung and Jake are still out there!" K yelled and tried to leave but Hanbin immediately pushed him away.

"Those two will be fine out there! The hounds won't be able to reach them but us! So instead of worrying about them, focus on how we can protect the kids here!" Hanbin yellled aggravated, sounding different from his jolly personality.

K faceplamed himself. Hanbin was right. And even Nicholas and Sunghoon agreed to it.

"Hyung! They will be fine! The young ones are here with us! We must focus on protecting them!" Nicholas patted his back and K nodded his head.

They barricaded all the possible entrances for the hounds. And waited for them to attack.

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