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"Jungwon, why did you join? You and Daniel?" Jay asked while watching the waves of the sea from the window in their room.

Jay, Jungwon, Daniel and Jimin are roommates.

Jimin isn't in their room yet. He left to hang out with Jaeho and Jaebeom at the deck.

"My mom said I should try my fate in I-land... I had a foster dad... He's always drunk whenever he comes home. He would always beat me up and my mom... So one night, I was so mad and I pushed him and he fell down the stairs! Mom convinced me to try my fate in I-land to run away from my foster dad. While Mom said she will leave her husband and lead a new life..." Jungwon said in one breath.

Daniel and Jay turned to him when they heard what he said. But they were surprised because of Jungwon smiling.

"Why are you smiling? Aren't you sad that you will be separated from your mother?" Daniel asked and Jungwon laughed.

"Why would I be sad! She never treated me as family either! If mom was always getting beaten by dad. She was always beating me! I wanted to run away but I had nowhere to go! So when she sent me here, I didn't hesitate and boarded the cruise immediately!" He said proudly and Daniel and Jay looked at each other confused.

"Woah! Mom lied to me!" Daniel exclaimed covering his mouth.

"She said no mother will ever treat their child that way! And it only exists in movies!" He said and started shaking Jay exaggerately.

"I'm fine though! I fin'lly feel free now! Anyway! Enough of me! What about you Daniel?" Jungwon asked and grabbed a pillow to hug.

"Well! To be honest, Mom didn't want me to join! I had a brother who joined this game during the last season! But he never got back! So I run away from her to find my brother!" He said while scratching his nape.

Jay suddenly smacked his head "You're so cruel! How could you run from your mother!?" He scolded him.

"You said your brother didn't came back! Why?" Jungwon asked.

"I don't know! And I'm coming to I-land to find out why!" He said proudly.

*  *  *

"Come on Hanbin! Join us!" It's been ages since they're persuading Hanbin to join them.

Heeseung, Sunoo, Hanbin and Jake are roommates. Jake suggested to tour the cruise and Hanbin refused. Scared that they might encounter one of the five earlier.

"I thought you're braver than this Hanbin! Come on! Don't be such a coward!" Sunoo yelled at him while pouting.

"I'm pretty sure they're asleep! Do you really think we'll tour the cruise knowing they're still out there?" Jake asked and Hanbin fin'lly stood up having second thoughts.

"Are you sure?" He asked glaring at Jake and the three nodded.

Sunoo immediately pulled Hanbin out of their room. It's already past 10 PM and the rest of the contestants are already sleeping.

Jake and his roommates decided to sneak around the cruise while everyone are asleep.

The bedrooms are in the middle deck so they first went to the lower deck. In one of the rooms, a very luxurious music room filled with different music instruments.

The room is designed with every luxury that can be used. It is polished and neat. The room felt like a peaceful theater where someone might think this is where all music are born.

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