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"They're early from what I expected..." Soobin uttered looking at the ground with his handheld telescope.

"I still couldn't believe you suggested this Soobin! I'm starting to think that Namjoon bewitched you or something!" Lia snorted snatching the telescope from Soobin's hand. Looking at the ground from their location.

"Are we still not over that?" The boy scoffed and Lia turned to him with a frown. "Namjoon didn't do anything to me! That I can assure you sweetheart!" He chuckled and stepped closer to the girl. He wrapped his arms around his waist before placing a peck on her forehead.

"I only did it for Kai... And for the others who've grown attached to their students... I didn't want them to meet the same experience we leaders have gone through!" Soobin whispered. His voice soothing through her ears.

"Both of us already lost our students... The others are about to..." she said parting from the hug. "I'm afraid for Yoongi and Beomgyu's students! Those two were the most lethal that this iland ever witnessed! Compared to the first generations... Those two were chosen as the most demonic among us!" Lia shrugged leaning her back on the tower's grills.

"Jake and Heeseung... I would be very surprise if those two pass this test!" The tall bunny chuckled revealing his white perfect teeth. Lia rolled her eyes at him, thinking he was being cruel.

"Alright! Alright! I'll talk to them to take it easy! But don't expect!" He said and pinched her cheeks. Lia swatted his hand away and darted a glare at him.

"I would know if you tried!" She hissed leaving the tall bunny dumbfounded.

Four days and four nights have passed. And now they are facing another huge obstacle in their lives.

But who among them, this time...
Will fail?

At the ground, stood the 12 ilanders facing their mentors. Standing on both side of the red ring.

The first to one to enter the ring, The youngest of the champions. Yuna.

She hold two katanas with her both hands and swiftly slashed it to a fighting stance.
Daniel stood up, gripping on his two scottish dirks.

He walked to the ring listening to his own heartbeat. He looked at Yuna but the girl gave him a deadpan look. She stucked her katanas on the ground and tied her long black hair in a high ponytail.

She grabbed her katanas and hit it with each other causing a tinging sound. Daniel gulped watching how she grips the katanas.

"Start whenever you want!" Said the girl with a daring expression.

Daniel posed into a fighting stance. And a few seconds later, he made his attack trying to cut her with his dagger on his left hand.

Yuna swinged her sword making a swoosh sound and a ting as it hits the dagger completely discarding it from the boy's hand.

Yuna grinned watching the boy stepped back in fear.

"Is that all you got Daniel? You're only embarassing me in front of my colleagues..." she scoffed while shaking her head.

"To be fair..." Yuna threw one of her sword and posed again for a fighting stance. This time she was the first one to attack.

Daniel was quick to dodge her Katana. But its tip was tricky enough to cut his skin. He twisted his body placing himself behind the girl.

He attempted of stabbing her back but she ducked swiping her legs to her back. Daniel fell with the girl swiping his feet.

He rolled as her sword started catching his head aggressively. He had let go of his sword when he fell but soon retrieved the other one and tried to slash the girl away.

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