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The sun is on its highest peak yet the island is still cloaked with thick clouds as usual.

At that point of the day, the ilanders were gathered at the ground waiting for the announcement of their test.

They were all sitting in a circle waiting for the nine mentors to arrive.

"Why do I feel like this is the last test?" Daniel mumbled pulling the red grass from the ground.

"I don't think so... I mean... There should be two test left right?" Niki said not being able to look them in the eye. Knowing that he will return to the Castle again tonight, without one of the members that might fail today.

"Whatever! Either it is our last test or not! I'm just glad that we all arrived in this journey altogether! And that this survival game brought us all together!" K said smiling at the boys pulling those beside by their shoulder.

They waited for more minutes and the mentors finally arrived with Namjoon leading them all.

"I don't understand... I somehow find it odd to see Sir. Jungkook without Ms. Lisa walking beside him..." Jake whispered at Sunoo.

"Yeah me too."

Upon their arrival, the ilanders stood up and greeted their mentors.
They also noticed that the itzy and txt members were carrying bags. They didn't stayed long at the ground and went straight to the castle with the bag on their shoulders.

"Where are they going?" Jay whispered.

"So!" Namjoon spoke capturing their attentions. "Let's make this big day quick shall we?" He said and the boys looked at each other confused.

"Today is your final test... Which also means that there will be a double elimination..." Jungkook explained and the ilanders expressions were totally shocked.

They didn't expect Daniel's words to be exactly right.

"Right now, our fellow mentors are placing all your name tags somewhere around the castle. The name tags are scattered which you are also allowed to enter any part of the castle. Including The South and North Wing." Taehyung began to explain them the test.

"The game is very simple. Find your name. Find the throne room and you pass."

"There are only seven chairs at the throne room. The center, which is for the first player to find he name and place it on that seat. Followed by the blue one on the right indicating the second place. Then red on for the third place. And four white chairs before it for the following players that will make it."

"As you are searching for your name tags. You will encounter many obstacles on the way. As you are currently aware, the castle awakes at night..."

"However today's test is an exception. Everyone that wakes up at night... will wake up once you enter the castle to proceed with one goal only. And that is to stop you from finding your tags."

"There are also crucial rules to this game. The name tags are very fragile that it is very important that it doesn't break."

"If you did, even if you come in the throne room first. You are disqualified for breaking the rule."

"Did I make myself clear?" Taehyung asked and the ilanders nodded their heads slowly and confused.

"Oh! And before anything else. You are now each other's enemies." Yoongi stated with a grin on his lips.

They waited for the five mentors to return which they did after a bloody 5 hours.

The boys were oddly bemused of what they look like coming back from the castle. They went to Castle Enhypen clean and neat. But came back with a bloody faces and ripped clothes.

"W-what happened?" Sunghoon asked looking at them from head to toe.

"Oh! Nothing! It's just blood!" Kai shrugged and chuckled playfully.

"Alright! Chop chop! You kids can start now!" Taehyun exclaimed, his face scrunched at the blood sticking on his fingers. "Ugh... Can we go first? I don't think I can last another minute like this..." he scoffed trying to clean the blood off his face.

"You can go... We'll take care of the rest..." Namjoon said and the five mentors ran to the forest as if they're racing for the bathroom.

Namjoon gestured the boys to leave which they did carrying all their weapons.

They were quiet as they go back. Their minds lurking on Yoongi's statement that they're all enemies now as of this moment.

When they arrived, they stood in front of the large opened entrance door of the castle. The hallway looked dark given that it's turning dusk in the island.

"We're not enemies. We're still friends okay? No matter what happens! Whoever comes first and last! We are still friends and always will!" K said as he turn around to face them.

"And all of us... We are the dream of Enhypen..." Heeseung added smiling at them. "At the end of the day, all of us will do a very good job!" He said and they all agreed saying some cheering words before they finally entered the Castle to meet the fate that's been awaiting them.

"Our main goal is to find our name tags. So separating is the fastest way to do so." Jay said which everyone agreed.

They all parted their ways going to different directions.

Only one had the guts of entering the North Wing and that's K by himself.

At the South Wing, only Heeseung and Jake came but eventually separated their ways. While the rest went to either West or East Wing.

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