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Jake just got out from the Castle after he lose the walking statues. He ran to the Greenhouse to hide and lay low for a while.

His whole body is now comparable to the mentors. While he was running in that tunnel, he didn't know where he was going as he only let his feet control him.

Until he fell on a stinky pond which smelled like a canal. He didn't want to hide and resist the smell. But it was the only way of survival.

When the statues passed by him, he walked out of the water and search for a decent water to clean himself.

But when he just arrived at the kitchen. He hasn't even opened the faucet on the sink yet when he heard a growl coming from the fridge.

And when he turned his head to that direction, the creatures from the paintings were standing near the fridge and was already sprinting towards him.

Jake grabbed his bow and arrows and bolted out of the kitchen only to bump with the statues.

He had to make sure he loses them first before he can fully hide in the greenhouse.

And as he was hiding, he heard a weird noises not far from where he was hiding. And because curiousity is way stronger than him at the time.

He creeped out his head taking a peek of what was happening outside. His mouth went agape and gasped watching Jay, Jungwon and Niki running.

There were also weird looking kids who's only right behind them. But his eyes glued at the certain shimmery tag that Niki was holding.

"So he found his name tag!" Jake mumbled. "No wonder they're being chased..." he added and let out a chuckle.

He accidentally elbowed one of the sprinklers causing it to fall. He was able to catch the smaller one but failed to catch the other.

And it made a loud clank which caught the attention of those that was behind the line of the kids.

Jake mentally cursed himself when six of those kids run to the greenhouse making him jerk his way out.

He ran to the hill where the flags were showcased hoping he won't be followed.

"Yes!!!" He yelled when he eyed a prize of his own, hence a name tag.

But he eventually covered his mouth realizing he was being chased.

"Jake! Run!" He whipped his head down the hill when he heard his mentor.

"There's a shortcut in the forest. Find that house! There's a trap door and go to the tunnel! That tunnel will lead you straight to the throne room!" Yoongi said preparing his arrows by stucking them on the ground, the feathers pointing at him.

"T-tunnel?" He mumbled.

Tunnel again?
He said to himself with trace of disappointment.

"Be careful of the hounds!" He warned. "Hurry!!!" Yoongi yelled at him making Jake run.

As he was running, he checked the name tag and his name already appeared in it.

Atleast, it was the best news he had so far. Except for the fact that he have to look out for hounds.

He ripped off the sleeves of his clothes and used it to wrap the fragile name tag. He placed it behind his back and began preparing his weapons.

So in case he encounters a hound, he'll be able to shoot it.

Thankfully, Jake can still remember the way to that house that Yoongi was talking about.

It's the house much further from the pit but not far from the beach.
Jake panted as he halted for a stop when he heard a familiar growl.

He aimed his arrow and he could only squint his eyes when he saw his hands shivering.

"Uhh... Why now!" He mumbled as he feel his body grow cold. He feels like he's going to have a heart attack any minute now.

Jake decided to just run. Disregarding of the hound that was surely chasing him. And he's certain that it's not just one, but probably more.

Jake funally took sight of the pit, he huffed in relief but it soon faded when he also saw five hounds on his tail.

A tear escaped his eyes due to so much fear that is slowly consuming his whole self.

"I'm almost there! I'm gonna make it!" He kept mumbling to himself the same words. Not bothered of the tears that was blurrying his sight.

He just feel so scared right now. He growled when he felt like his body is about to give up. He used all the remaining strength he have and run.

He started shooting at the hounds not caring if he hit one or not. He just continued shooting until he only have one arrow remaining on his strap.

"Yes!!!" He cried when he finally saw the house.

He took out the last arrow and pulled a lighter from one of his pockets. He used it to light the arrow and aimed at the house.

I only have one shot at this. If I don't find that trap door until the entire house got caught on fire, I'll be really da**ed.

He let out a deep sigh and finally let go of the arrow. As soon as the arrow hit the top the house, the fire spread quickly as Jake jumped in.

The hound jumped on him but failed to devour his leg when a burning wood fell on it.

He was stunned in that same position for a few seconds before he realized how short of a time he had left.

He quickly searched for the trap door shoving all the old rugs away. And once he located it, he didn't hesitated of jumping just as when the roof of the house crumbled.

Jake cried as he ran on the dark tunnel. He just run and ran. He got hit on the walls whenever there will be a turn. He couldn't see it because it's dark.

But nevertheless, he didn't gave up now that he's this close to winning.

"Aah!!!" He growled when he hit hishead hard on probably the end of the tunnel.

He quickly stood up and tapped anywhere making him reach to a conclusion that this is really the end of the tunnel.

So he started tapping any trap door on top of him. He found the knob and used  it to open the trap door showering him with the blood that was flooding the throne room since goodness know when.

He gasped stepping back when the blood felt like waterfalls to him. But before he can predict, someone pulled him up and a familiar arms embraced him to a comfortable hug.

Jake cried recognizing Heeseung and Niki.

"I'm so glad you made it! You look like crap!!!" Heeseung said stroking his back.

Niki took Jake's name tag and checked it. It was perfectly fine which is a good news. And so Niki placed it on the empty board of the red chair announcing Jake as the third champion of Castle Enhypen.

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