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The first day of training.

Like what Jimin instructed them, everyone woke up gathering at the Ground to pick their leaders.

"We have exactly 3 chores as an ilander! We need a leader at the greenhouse! At the cage and here at the Castle chores!" Geonu said giving each one a glance.

"So we need 3 leaders! Someone we can possibly trust and confident enough to be a leader!" He added.

"Then we're gonna need a leader who can multi task! Someone with a strong mentality!" Jaeho said and everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

They started voting and ended up picking Heeseung as the leader at the cage. K as a leader at the greenhouse and Jay as a leader at Castle Enhypen.

Now they divided the rest ilanders into three groups.

Heeseung          K                    Jay

-Daniel            -Seon             -Sunoo
-Sungchul       -Nicholas       -Hanbin
-Jimin              -Geonu          -Jaebeom
-Sunghoon       -Jaeho           -Taeyeong
-Niki                -Taki               -EJ
-Jake               -Youngbin      -Kyungmin

They decided to finish their seven laps around the Castle first then they headed to their respective chores.

As soon as Jay and his team came back inside the castle, he assigned four ilanders at the East Wing and three at the West Wing.

They started cleaning the dusts and more around the castle.

The castle isn't really as dirty as they expected. It looked like no one really lived there for a long time.

Meanwhile, at the cage. Niki had a hard time looking for RJ among the rest of the sheeps. He kept saying they all look alike.

While Daniel and Jimin are feeding the chickens. Jungwon feeding the ducks. Sungchul and Jake feeding the pigs.

Sunghoon are having a hard time feeding the horses. They won't eat even after Sunghoon made a little act with his aegyo.

At the greenhouse.

K's team did better unlike the others.

As soon as everyone finished their tasks, they cleaned up first and went to the Ground.

All the mentors are already there.

BTS are holding guns and ammos. BLACKPINK and ITZY are holding bows and arrows. While TXT greted them with bare hands.

Everyone were mostly focused about the target except for five ilanders.

Jungwon, Sunghoon, Heeseung, Jaeho and Taeyong.

Five of them stood in front of their mentors but their eyes are on the others learning how to use weapons.

"Your first lesson will be how to fight without anything in combat..." Soobin said with a sheepish smile on his face.

The five ilanders were creeped of his expression but decided to just listen instead.

TXT started teaching them some basic steps for the first hour. And the more they stay there longer, the harder their lessons get.

It was the same for the others.

The mentors gave them a hard training not considering that they're all beginners.

"Are you even looking!!? Fu**ing shoot the target!" Yoongi yelled at Jake who's been failing the most among everyone.

"You're da*n close to the target and you can't even score with the cheapest!" He yelled again and Jake can feel his body starting to tremble.

"Focus! Don't let your guard down!" After Beomgyu said those to Heeseung he pulled his left leg causing him to spin for a second and fell on the ground.

He groaned in pain holding his left shoulder. The others tried to help him but the mentors stopped them.

Heeseung tried to stand up and continue his lessons.

He's very unfortunate to have Beomgyu as his mentor. Same goes for Jake, Sunghoon and Jay. They're students of Taehyun, Yoongi and Taehyung.

Those four mentors are the most terror mentors among all.

After the first day of training. The five ilanders under TXT were immediately brought to the infirmary at the castle after suffering injuries from their mentors.

Lia and Yeji from ITZY came with them to help them.

Jungwon and Taeyong felt disappointed. They expected Kai and Yeonjun to be nice. But they were wrong and ended up crying after the training. The two are completely crazy as if beating them both. But atleast not as worse as the four terrors.

Jake and Jay ended up getting mentally shocked. After the training they couldn't speak.

Sunghoon and Jaeho met the same fate. They lost consciousness while on their way to the castle.

Hanbin, Jimin, Geonu and Jaebeom. The ilanders who were under BLACKPINK.
They suffered from great insult. Atleast Geonu who had the strongest mentality among the four managed to get over it. But Hanbin who was so cheerful all the time ended up like Jay and Jake.

There they learned face is really just a cover to the person's true personality.

Daniel, Seon, Sunoo, Sungchul and Nicholas. The five ilanders under ITZY are a little lucky. ITZY isn't as tough as the other mentors. So they were the ones that helped cheering the others.

K and Niki sat beside Heeseung who was still groaning in pain. Lia came after helping the others. She took care of his injuries while the other watched and some take a rest.

"Are they always that tough?" K asked with a serious tone.

"Just now..." Lia said and flashed a smile. "Beomgyu is really nice when you get to know him! He's only being tough so he can teach his student well! In this case, you Heeseung!"

"Will he be alright?" Niki asked.

"Of course he will! You guys better get use to injuries like this! More will come!" she said and took the medical kit with her.

Yeji is also done with the others but before they left...

"Will they be okay?" Taki asked referring about Jay, Jake and Hanbin who was asleep already.

"They will be when they woke up!" Yeji said and left with Lia.

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