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"Please tell me that's not what I think it is..." Daniel muttered looking at where they heard the loud bellow.

It came from the tunnel that led them to this very prison.

"H-hyung... What do we do? I-is that the monster!?" Sunoo asked with his shaky voice.

"Run! Run for your lives!" The man in the prison cell yelled at them weakly. "If it reaches you... there is no escape..." he said before the blades began cutting him again.

"L-let's go..." K muttered starting to pull them to run.

"Aren't we going to help him!?" Niki exclaimed.

"Niki! This is a prison! He's here and because he's being punished for whatever his crime was. And we have no say in it!" K growled at him as their pace became quicker and the bellow become less loud.

It didn't come to their minds that if the growls of the Shadow became less louder. It means that it's closer.

Until eventually, everything returned into the same silence and nothing but their footsteps could be heard.

"What happened? Did we lose it?" Jake questioned with a tint of hope on his tone.

But before anyone can respond to his answer. The torches they were holding was blown off by the sudden strong wave of wind.

With being pitch black everywhere. Allt heir eyes gazed at the red fire that slowly swirled before them.
Until a demon-like creature formed with blazing fire and black mists all over it.

It roared at them and the younger swear they almost peed on their pants.

A few seconds of silence went by first. Before...

"Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!" All of them screamed with all their mouths agaped.

And the next thing happened was they were all fleeing for their lives running into different directions and completely separated from each other.

"Aaaahhhhhh!!!!!! Mooooooooooooom!!!!!!" A screamed coming from Daniel.

Soon followed by a high pitch from Heeseung. "I wanna go home!!!!!"


"Run for your f**king lives!!!!!!!!!!"

"This is the end!!!!!!"

Only the hilarious screams what was gifitng the ears of the prisoners.

"What's so funny?" Kai hissed at the two other mentors beside him.

They've been watching the ilanders for a while now ever since they entered the Vialem. The three were hiding above the ceiling and sometimes in the dark watching them and following them.

The three were sitting on top of one of the prison bars watching the ten ilanders hilariously screaming and running for their lives.

Beomgyu and Taehyun couldn't control their laughter when they saw Sunoo raising his hands in the air. He was running like a cartoon character being chased by the protagonist.

And there was also K and Daniel running like usain bolt as if they were being chased by superman.

Heeseung only made it worst when he screamed on high pitch. Completely drowning the two under the sea of never ending laugters.

"Go to hell!!!!" Hanbin screamed and run towards the Shadow cutting its feet.

"You're insane!!!" Sunghoon yelled at him before he pulled Hanbin to run away with him.

"When are you guys going to stop!? Shouldn't we be opening a portal right now?" Kai glowered at them but the two were laughing too hard having so much fun of the ilanders reactions.

"Fine! I'll do it myself!" He scoffed and jumped down the ground as if it was a piece of cake. Note, the ceiling was like 20-storeys building from the ground. Akd the shadow is about 15-storeys building tall.

Kai casually walked eventually catching one particular ilander who was running for his life.

"Sir. Kai!!?" Jake exclaimed when he recognized he mentor who was wearing a poker face.

"There's an empty cell in the center of this prison. Go there and inform the others!" He said before shoving Jake away from him.

Jake hesitated to stay away from him at first thinking that he'll surely be safe with someone who knows the place. But then he figured he was given an important information and he must let the others now.

Jake started running on the opposite direction eventually bumping into Jungwon and Niki. Both were on the verge of crying their eyes out.

"Sir. Kai is here! He wants us to find the empty cell! Come on!" Jake said and gestured the two to follow him.

They immediately hide when they saw the Shadow. The prison was like a maze of cells. There aren't any specific halls but the cell are scattered everywhere with its tall iron bars.

"Come on... We have to be careful..." Jake whispered and they got the other way eventually finding K and Daniel.

Jake informed them of the empty ceiling which the two remembered of hiding there before the Shadow find them.

"We know where it is..." Daniel whispered and led the three there.

The five of them sighed in relief when they saw the three mentors whom Namjoon informed to be waiting for them at the Vialem.

"So? Where are the others?" Beomgyu chuckled casually sitting on a boulder. A torch resting on the groung beside the boulder he was sitting at.

"Bring the others here..." Kai ordered.

"We should go!" K said to Jake and the two anxiously run out of the cell to search for the others.

"Jay! Sunoo!" They called when they saw the two running the opposite way.

"Jake! Show them the way! I'll search for the others!" K said whipping his head left and right.

"Are you sure? You'll be alone!" Jake muttered.

"Go!" K said and continued running to search for the others.

Eventually, he found Heeseung who was clutching his burnt right shoulder. Warm tears are streaming from his eyes.

"H-hyung!?" Heeseung whisper yelled hugging the older.

K felt something winced inside him. He didn't like the sight of his sidekick being so scared like this to the point he was crying.

Heeseung is the only one he trusted the most and comforted him the most. Especially when Taki died. And listening to his muffled sobs. The way how he could hear his heartbeat. The rhythm of how his body was shaking.

"It's okay. It's going to be alright! We found the mentors and they're going to help us..." K said and Heeseung slowly nodded his head and wiped his tear.

"Now... we just need to look for Hanbin and Sunghoon! Everyone are with the mentors!" K explained and they began searching in the dark.

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