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Days counted and the day of their second test arrived.

The ilanders made sure to finish their daily routines and they headed at the Ground.

There, they saw the weapons already prepared. But the mentors aren't there yet.

"Are you guys really sure about this?! This is really risky!" Heeseung asked for the nth time.

Geonu decided to fail this test. He wanted to go to the pit to see if the blinking light he was seeing is actually there. Daniel, decided to accompany him.

It took days before everyone were convinced with this plan. Especially when they don't even have any idea what's in the pit.

Heeseung, Jay and K are the most worried among them. They didn't want any of their friends to be send to the pit again.

After 20 minutes of waiting, the ilanders saw carriages coming form the forest.

Those were the same carriage that brought their friends to the pit.

They felt sudden excitement untik the carriage arrived not far from them.

The ilanders from the pit went out of the first two carriages. As soon as they each other, they ran and giving hugs.

K almost cried while hugging both Taki and Niki.

The BTS members went out of the last carriage.

They will be the only mentors that will evaluate the ilanders.

Namjoon instructed them to sit out of the red box. The ilanders separated from those who were from the Ground.

Namjoon nodded at Hoseok and Seokjin. The two took out a small box from the carriage. Hoseok approached the ilanders while Seokjin approached the grounders.

The box have papers in them with names and numbers on it and they started picking one.

"Now! Ilanders! See, the name you picked will be your enemy for today! And if you fail on defeating them, you will be replacing their position at the Ground!" Namjoom said and the ilanders widened their eyes in surprise.

They didn't expect themselves to battle with their friends.

"To the Grounders! The numbers you picked will tell who's first to the last! And if you fail this test, you will be send back to the pit! This is your chance!" He said as he turn to them.

"Now! Two from the ilanders picked a blank paper! Raised your hand!" He said and both Jungwon and Seon raised their hands.

Jungwon felt sudden nervous. He's worried as Seon is one of the ilanders that showed improvement.

1. Taki - Daniel
2. Kyungmin - K
3. Youngbin - Jay
4. EJ - Nicholas
5. Hanbin - Geonu
6. Sungchul - Sunghoon
7. Niki - Jaebeom
8. Jaeho - Jake
9. Taeyong - Sunoo
10. Jimin - Heeseung
11. Seon - Jungwon

Their arrangement for their second test are written above.

"Pass the test and you will gain points! Fail and you will spend your next two weeks at the pit!" Namjoon reminded them once again.

The test started in a few more minutes and the mentors began evaluating them.

Their reactions are either impressed and disappointment.

Whoever have the highest count of target will have the advantage of winning. When they were done with their shooting skill, they will have to pass another combat test using both sword and daggers.

The ilanders were impressed. But also threatened. The grounders were aggressively and desperately trying to win their test.

And after five hours, all of them were finally done.

And now the final evaluation.

Failed contestants
1. Daniel
2. Kyungmin
3. Youngbin
4. EJ
5. Geonu
6. Sungchul
7. Jaebeom
8. Jaeho
9. Taeyong
10. Jimin
11. Seon

Passed contestants
1. Taki
2. K
3. Jay
4. Nicholas
5. Hanbin
6. Sunghoon
7. Niki
8. Jake
9. Sunoo
10. Heeseung
11. Jungwon

The grounders that failed their chance felt most disappointed among all. Unlike Geonu and Daniel. It didn't matter to them since they have a plan.

"Taki! Hanbin and Niki! Congratulations of passing this test!" Jungkook sincerely congratulated them while clapping his hands.

"To those grounders who failed, you will have to try harder for your final chance! And to those ilanders that failed! Especially Geonu and Seon!" Namjoon then turned to the two.

"Iam deeply disappointed! I'm not sure if it's because you didn't really do your best or it's just your enemy is more competitive!" He shook his head in disappointment.

Namjoon then announced the final score and announced the names of ilanders that will have the chance to ask another question.

Heeseung - 65
K - 65
Jake - 60
Jay - 45
Nicholas - 40
Sunghoon - 40
Sunoo - 40
Jungwon - 40
Hanbin - 30
Taki - 25
Niki - 20

Their current ranking are written above. The top 8 ilanders will have the chance to ask a crucial question.

A question to their mentor requires them 35 points, then 60 and so on. More questions, more points are needed.

Yoongi and Hoseok then took the grounders with them to return back to the pit.

As they were leaving, Geonu nodded at the leaders assuring them that they will fulfill their plan.

"Tomorrow! The mentors of those top ilanders will come to Castle Enhypen after your daily routines are done! You can wait for them to ask your questions!" Namjoon announced and then left with the rest of the mentors.

As soon as they left, they congratulated the three grounders that made it back. Of course they couldn't help but feel sad to those that fail.

When they arrived back at the Castle. Heeseung and K told the three what they found out so far.

So Hanbin decided to tell them what's in the pit. Taki and Niki didn't speak about it. Just reminiscing the entrance of the pit sends shiver to them.

"The pit is built in the heart of the forest... It looked like a cave outside. But when you go in, you will see a large training area! And an underground of a grave yard!" Hanbin explained and as soon as he mentioned the word grave yard, they frowned.

"Graveyard?" Sunoo asked.

"There were glass coffins everywhere! They were countless for me... And inside those coffins... were all corpse!"

Everyone were shocked when Hanbin said those. It fears them even more now tbat they've heard it from a person that seen it.

"Guys! I think I know what happens to those that failed!" Hanbin said in sad tone. "And our mentors... I don't think they're just our mentors..." he added.

"Your speculations are right! The corpses at the pit are probably the previous ilanders that failed their tests! And those mentors are the champions!" Taki said while clutching on his knees.

"You guys can ask them questions! Then you can ask if all of them are the champions!" Niki suggested.

They talked for a while and went to sleep after a few hours.

More secrets are about to be revealed...

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