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The ilanders stopped midway the tunnel to check on Hanbin. While the other ilanders looked around.

The tunnel is lighted with torches five meters distanced from each other. If there isn't any torches it would surely be pitch black everywhere.

"I'm fine... I can stand..." Hanbin assured them forcing a smile. But he immediately winced once Jay tightened the wrapped cloth around his bleeding arm.

"There. Are you sure you can stand up? We can just carry you!" Jay asked and Hanbin nodded hisbhead vigorously forcing a smile again.

"No. I'm good!" He said and stood up by himself. He could feel his entire body sore. His knees rapidly shaking. But he was too clever and good to not show it. Instead he showed them that nothing bad just happened to him.

"Now what?" Daniel asked putting his hands on the daggers placed on his side waist.

"We all made it to Vialem... So we all passed right? I mean. This better be the Vialem!" Sunghoon muttered letting out a shaky laugh.

All of them felt so sore. Cold and shivering. Luckily, the Vialem was warm and getting warmer the deeper they go in. It was comforting them for now.

"Maybe we should start looking for the mentors now!" Heeseung suggested which the ilanders agreed immediately.

"Well, there's only one way to go..." K mumbled looking at a one way tunnel that's getting deeper and warmer.

A few minutes walking in silence,

"Our oxygen bubbles have less than 10 minutes left... How are we suppose to make it back to the surface?" Niki asked all of a sudden. All their weapons pointing alertly at whatever's going to attack them.

"We can think about it later. For now, we must focus on searcing for the mentors." Jay said whipping his head left and right.

Finally they arrived the end of tunnel which is another huge entrance with a huge and old iron door.

K and Heeseung grabbed one of the torches and used it search for whatever can be used to open the door.

While the other ilanders attempted to push the door forward.

"Of course it wouldn't work..." Sunghoon snorted realizing their efforts are of no avail.

"The lever!" K exclaimed pointing at the huge lever on the left side of the door.

The lever is thrice as huge as the size of the sea monster's eyes. And it's place above them with the height of 4 six footers.

"And how are we suppose to pull the da*n lever down!" Jungwon exclaimed restlessly allowing his body to hopelessly flop down the ground.

"If we carried a rope, it would work by pulling it down..." Jay mumbled rubbing his chin. "But we didn't..." Niki snickered crouching beside Jungwon who was still hopelessly lying down the ground.

"Hmm... That's a giant lever. And a giant lever could possibly be used by a giant hand owned by a giant creature..." Jake stated staring at the large lever above them.

"Hilarious!" Sunoo mumbled rolling his eyes.

"What do we do?" Hanbin asked sticking his sword on the ground. Heeseung returned it to him when the three was thrown in the tunnel.

They stayed silent for a few minutes while the older males are trying to think of a solution.

And when K flickered his fingers, everyone looked at him anticipating for a good solution.

"Well, we could tower ourselves while the other members climb on us to the lever. With all our weights added together, we can eventually pull down that lever." K suggested but Sunoo and Daniel only ended laughing.

"That's very hilarious hyung!" Jake chuckled.

"Well! Do you guys got any better idea!?" K snorted crossing his arms in a sassy manner.

"Let's just try it!" Heeseung said and stood up.

"Alright! The tall ones first!" K said leaning on the wall, his hand stuck together allowing any member to step on it.

"Let's just be careful okay?" Daniel hesitated first but still climbed on K. He stood on his shoulder maintaining a balance.

Sunghoon climbed next and then Heeseung. The four towered over the ilanders but also reaching the lever.

"Wow! You guys looks awesome!" Sunoo muttered trying not to laugh at their ridiculous faces. Afraid of falling down.

"Alright! Let's go!" Hanbin is the one to climb first to the lever, then Niki, Jungwon, Jake and Sunoo.

Jay stayed down to catch whoever will fall down or pull the four once the lever starts going down.

"Let's go there! Put on some weight!" Hanbin pointed at the edge of the lever.

The other four were hesitant first. But then the other four whom they climbed at earlier also climbed on the lever.

The first four bravely went over the edge of the lever. It moved down a little along with a loud shriek of metal surprising them all

"Keep it down!" Jay yelled at them. Suddenly got anxious that he's the only one down there.

"Come on!" Hanbin gestured the others to followe him. And though they were really scared they might fell down, they had to go to the edge to put a heavier weight.

Eventually, the lever started moving down along with a loud shrieking noice that was ripping off their ears.

K and Daniel jumped down when they could tell that the ground is close. They helped Jay to pull down the members to bring down the lever.

And once the lever is now fully pulled down, the iron door began opening with a much worse shriek that made them all groan and covered their ears.

"Oh my gosh!!!" Sunoo and Jay screamed covering their ears.

The noise sounded very painful and torture to them.

And finally, the door opened this stopping to make that torturing sound.

Inside is much darker compared to the tunnel. Heeseung and K grabbed the torches they had earlier and used it to keep their surroundings bright.

They entered the door and a single move of the torch only brightened the first cell they'll probably never wish they've seen.

"Ugh!!!" They all grimaced at the sight of an old man staring on the ceiling.

His body are getting cut by little blades controlled by some technology. Opening its body to cut his organs out. Then his body magically heals but painfully.

That's when they started hearing clear screamings coming all around them.

"W-what's happening to them?!" Niki exclaimed squinting his eyes shut.

"Let's help them!" Sunoo said and they ran to the first cell trying to open it.

But a few seconds only and they heard another kind of loud bellow silencing all the screams that surrounded them a while ago.

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