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Sunoo, Nicholas and Hanbin. They were the first ones that woke up among all eleven.

Why. Because of their mentors already waiting for them to prepare.

The three of them were the first ones to go to the forest to meet their fate.

Among the three of them. Sunoo felt the most furious. Or more like afraid. It was like only a few hours ago when they fought and killed those monsters.

Hanbin tightened the bandage he was putting on his arms. Nicholas noticed he was havig a hard time putting it so he came to offer help.

Orginally. It was the three of them that came to ride the cruise together when it came to them. The three of them was together at the time waiting for it to arrive.

And now, they're together again. Facing either pass or failure.

"Why the long face?" Hanbin put out a smile as Sunoo sat beside him sharpening the blades of his arrows.

"We're gonna make it! Promise me okay?" Nicholas patted his friends' back and smiled at them.

"You guys are much better than me..." Sunoo frowned and heaved a deep sigh.

"Yah!!!" Nicholas yelled at him. "No one is stronger than anyone! We're fair and equal! You're gonna make it Sunoo! Alright!?" He assured and gave him a tight hug.

"Aw! You guys! Nicholas I didn't know you have a soft spot!" Hanbin teased and laughed.

He was back to normal. Him who was always laughing and adoring everything. And it was comforting to both Sunoo and Nicholas.

"Maybe flirting with Ma'am Yeji have finally taught him!" Sunoo blurted and they joined in a happy laughter.

But those laugh on their faces faded when Lisa, Ryujin and Yeji came to fetch them.

"Time to boys!" Lisa said with a forced smile.

She tried to greet the boys as warm as she can. The three followed the girls to the entrance of the forest.

There they met Jennie, Hoseok and Namjoon waiting for them with three  familiar Grounders.
Geonu, EJ and Youngbin were there.

As soon they saw each other. They ran and engulfed each other with a very warm hug.

As soon as their greetings finished. They faced their mentors with a trembling aura.

"The first pair to enter will be Nicholas and Geonu! Your objective is very easy! Find the monster and kill it! Whoever gets to kill first, wins!"  Jennie spoke with a serious tone.

Geonu turned to Nicholas and smiled. "I'm sorry hyung! This might be the last time we'll be seeing each other..." he said bitterly.

Both sides had no plan of losing. They have no plan on dying.

"Let's go!" Yeji said and went in first with Nicholas. Followed by Jennie and Geonu.

As soon as they left. Sunoo suddenly lashed out and threw his bow.

"Sunoo! Calm down!" EJ tried to come to him but he immediately swatted his hand away.

"No! How am I suppose to calm down! The moment we go in there! All we have to think is to save ourselves!" Sunoo was now far from being calm.

And Youngbin was not liking it. He knew both him and EJ doesn't stand a chance. Especially him who's going to compete against Hanbin.

They spent time at the ground together. And he know himself that Hanbin is the best of Grounders.

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