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"What are we doing here?" Jay asked in distress. He pulled his hair and stood up facing his friends.

It's only 10 minutes away before lights out but all of them are still in the common room. Jake and Jungwon already fell asleep after crying so hard all afternoon.

"Why are we just standing here and waiting for our death to come!!?" His voice trembled trying to control his rage.

He felt so much anger towards the mentors. And so to the game itself. He felt bad of why there has to be an elimination like this.

"We can't blame them for this Jay! We are here because we wanted to come here despite of whatever risk there is! If we're going to blame anyone it's ourselves" Heeseung said.

Everyone flinched when Rosé and Jin suddenly appeared. They were carrying a board and an ink.

None of them spoke and watched the two silently. Jin placed the board not far from the balcony. As Rosé wrote something in it.

"Why are you guys still here... It's almost lights out! You should be in bed!" Jin said as he approach them sitting beside Taki.

The boy moved away a little as the others looked at the mentor sitting beside him.

"You should probably go to sleep! 3 among you have a big day tomorrow!" Jin made a grin and turned to Rosé.

"S-sir! What is she writing?" Sunghoon asked nervously.

"Oh! She's putting your current scores right now! Once the three of you finishes your task tomorrow, we're going to change it again!" He explained followed by a humorous laugh.

He asked them to go to bed which they did. The next day.

Yoongi, Kai and Taehyung went to the Castle to fetch their students; Jake, Jungwon and Jay.

The three were so surprised that they didn't expected to be picked right after the first three.

They haven't even met Sunoo and the other two right after their test.

The three half no other choice so they followed their mentors to the edge of the forest.

And there they met three grounders from the pit. Jaeho, Sungchul and Jimin with their mentors; Soobin, Lia and Rosé.

"Did you guys have breakfast?" Kai asked trying to cheer everyone from both sides.

He didn't fail though as the ilanders responded him with a cheerful answer. With Lia and Soobin cheering them of course.

"Aw! How envious! Jungwon! Did you have anything for me from your kitchen? Soobin hyung stole my bread!" Kai pouted trying to engage Jungwon to play.

The latter only laughed followed by the others.

"Alright! Jay! Sungchul! You two will go first!" She said as the two looked down in unison.

"Alright! Let's get this over with!" Sungchul said while stretching his neck.

With Jay and Sungchul finished with their test. Followed by Jake and Jaeho. Jungwon and Jimin.

The next liners were K and Jaebeom,
Sunghoon and Kyungmin and
Taki and Taeyong.

And the last liners were Heeseung and Seon and Niki and Daniel. Though none between Niki and Daniel failed as both of them killed their target at the same time.

And now listed below are their final scores after the test:

Heeseung - 105
K - 105
Jake - 100
Jay - 85
Hanbin - 80
Geonu - 80
Jungwon - 80
Sunoo - 80
Sunghoon - 80
Daniel - 70
Niki - 60
Taki - 65
Nicholas - 60
Jaebeom - 50
Seon - 55
Jimin - 45
Sungchul - 30
Kyungmin - 30
Jaeho - 20
Taeyong - 20
Youngbin - 10
EJ - 0

EJ was given with zero points as he failed the most among all them.

Starting from Heeseung to Taki. They were the final 12 to have made it to the next Phase of the game.

All of them were brought to the North Wing and was put into cryo right after the elimination test.

Their mentors came back for them after three weeks atleast to allow them to recuperate.

They woke up from their bed confused. Including with their entire body aching due to the side effects of sleeping in the cryo for three weeks.

As soon as they woke up, they were greeted by their mentors waiting for them to wake up.

And then they were brought to the pit to visit their friends that passed away 3 weeks ago.

They were executed while all 12 of them are sleeping.

Namjoon allowed to give them the rest of the day to process everything that happened.

The ilanders chose to stay in the pit. Dwelling in their agony. Their friends were put inside a glass coffin like the other bodies. They were also dressed in uniform.

They were forced to return to Castle Enhypen before nightfall. So they had to bid their last farewell to them.

As soon as they got back, the score board is the first thing to caught their attention. And it was their first time looking at their final score. But it only added to the burden for Daniel, Niki and Taki as the three of them were on the lowest rank out of 12.

"To be honest... I'm a little glad that we were put into sleep when they executed our friends..." Sunoo said while fidgeting his fingers.

"I guess! I couldn't imagine what we would've done if we knew they were being executed!" Heeseung chuckled out of sarcasm.

"I fear... That after that large scale of elimination... It's about to get worse on our upcoming tests..." K said which made the atmosphere more frustrating and gloomy.

All of them were burdened and depressed. Even if they had the whole day without training or chores to finish. They were pressured of what their next test will be.

"Anyway! Did you guys noticed? Only our mentors were there at the pit... I was looking for the other mentors but I couldn't see them!" Jake asked trying to distract himself and the others as well.

"Well we really won't! Sir.Kai said they won't show up anymore! Since they don't have students to train with! He said Sir. Namjoon sent them somewhere else around the forest!" Jungwon explained.

He actually had a short conversation with Kai earlier while he was trying to comfort Jungwon.

"Iland must be so huge than what we think!" Hanbin exclaimed with amusement.

His back to his usual self. Always cheerful and smiling.

"Why don't we play? I feel so depressed! We should atleast try to refresh ourselves! I think it's deserving for us!" Sunghoon suggested as he stood up stretching his arms.

"I totally agree! There is no way Iam cleaning this da*n castle with this so much I have in mind!" Jay muttered followed by a hilarious laugh.

The others agreed and decided to go to the arcade near the library to play.

They were divided in half though. The others preferred to just eat so they went to the kitchen.

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