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East Wing
Niki, Jungwon & Jay

The trio carefully opened the door which will lead them to the hallway of their rooms. Broken portraits are scattered om the first halllway as they were proceeding to the bedrooms. Not only that but blood were also splattered messily on the walls.

Jungwon are carrying his bow and arrows, Jay are using the sword which used to be owned by Hanbin while Niki are holding a gun on both of his hands.

All of them were heavily armed before they even went to Castle Enhypen. Especially when they saw the five mentors coming back all bloody dirty.

"What do you think our name tags looks like?" Jungwon asked whispering. Both him and Niki are behind Jay who's slowly leading them.

Jay whipped his head to all of the doors and figured they should definitely scatter around now.

"I'll be in the first room..." Niki said understanding immediately when Jay looked at them both.

Jay nodded his head at Jungwon before he entered his room he's sharing with Jake and K. The younger male headed to the third one.

Niki's face immediately frowned looking at the huge mess inside their room. He thinks he may be messy sometimes but knowing that he shares the same room with Sunoo amd Daniel. They wouldn't leave the room as if a hurricane passed by to the point that he saw an underwears on the floor not being able to recognize whose it is.

His head immediately jerked to his right pointing a gun when he heard a creak. His right area is way too dark and the only thing that males him able to see are the moonlight that was being illuminated by the tall window to their room.

He tried to reach for the switch but when he did, it wasn't working at all.

"F**k..." he cursed deciding to come closer to see what it is.

He heard another creak when he was getting closer. He remembers the area to be their closet so there should be a possibility that someone. Or something is hiding behind it.


"Hello Niki!" A voice responded to him making the boy immediately step backward having a firm grasp on his gun.

The voice sounded oddly strange. It sounds like an old man but the way he spoke was creepy and quick.

"H-hyung!!!" He called but they didn't seem to hear him.

He tried to exit the room but it suddenly closed making his face bang on it and he ended up unconscious.

Meanwhile, the second room is completely different from the first one. It's clean. However it's oddly too clean for Jay.

He remembers he left a pile of their clothes on the bed after he picked the laundry.
He didn't have time to fix it since they had to go to the ground. It's also impossible that another member fixed it since he, including Sunoo and Jake were the ones to leave last leaving the clothes on that pile.

It couldn't be the mentors who took 5 hours here right?
He asked in his thoughts.

He looked around more and saw a juke box on K's bedside table. It's a little small but he was able to see it because of its vibrant yellow color that was being contrasted by the black disc.

I don't remember having a jukebox in the castle...

He thought again touching the disk with his fingers.

"Strange..." he mumbled but just a few seconds later and his word repeated as if weak echo.

His eyes widened hearing it loud and clear. He immediatelt turned around to see if someone is with him but he accidentally hit the jukebox causing it to fall and break.

He disregarded the broken jukebox. And searched for the voice and where it came from. But not a minute have passed when he heard strange sounds.
And it was clearly coming from the jukebox as if it was getting back together again on the bedside table.

And his deductions were right because when he turned to look at it, just as when the jukebox played by its own.

"Someone... is watching behind you..." the line kept playing as the music is transitioning into a distortion eventually ending with a shriek and the jukebox stopped playing.

If there's one thing that Jay really loathes the most. It's ghost.
And right now, he's so close into giving up and just run back to the mentors.

After a short silence only, a scream that came from the jukebox surprised Jay. But what more surprised him is that the scream sounded exactly like K.


Jungwon wasn't able to enter the third door as it seemed to be stuck. He also tried to enter another door but they were all stucked except from the first and second room.

He sighed and was about to follow one of the two when he heard something approaching him. It sounded like a wheeled-toy that was pushed towards him.

And just as he predicted, a small and red toy car drove out of the dark towards him.
He picked the toy and scanned it with his eyes. Nothing seems to be wrong about it so he put it back to where it stopped but facing the dark. And once his hand let go of it, the toy car moved towards the dark making his eyes widened and shivers all over his body.

He could feel a cold breeze making his goosebumps worse.

Just as when he heard loud screeching sound followed by Jay running out of the room.

"What happened?" Jungwon asked trying not to look scared in front of the older.

"I think K is in trouble... We should look for him!" Jay said as they both approach the first room.

But before they could enter, they saw Niki attempting to run to them but the door closed right in his face.

"Niki!!!" The two exclaimed and immediately tried to open the door but it suddenly got stucked.

Jay stepped back and pull Jungwon away from the door. Then he charges to attack using the sword to open the door.

A few minutes only and Jay was able to create a huge hole on the door but not enough for them to go in. Jungwon took a peek and saw Niki groaning who seems to have knocked out by the door earlier.

"Niki! Are you alright!?" He asked but before the younger could answer him. He bellowed a scream seeing what's in front of him right on the ceiling dangling like a spider.

Jungwon and Jay panicked and they immediately helped each other to open the door.

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