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Everyone were gathered to the dining for dinner.

They ate as quietly as they can until Jungwon spoke.

"I'm scared... I'm afraid..." he said staring down at his food he hadn't even touched.

Heeseung sighed and patted his shoulder. Jungwon then looked at him then looked at everyone.

"But let's try!" He said and his fellow ilanders smiled at him nodding their head.

They were almost done eating when the same voice spoke from the speakers.

"Lights off! Please everyone will proceed to their rooms!" The voice said.

Everyone automatically stood up marching to their rooms.

Sungchul, Nicholas & Hanbin

"Did you guys noticed? When Miss Jisoo was talking at the front! The rest of the mentors aren't there!" Sungchul spoke while drying his hair. He just finished showering.

Nicholas is lying down on his bed while Hanbin is playing with a cube.

"I noticed it too! I don't think they will show up anymore! Unless they will give us a test or train us!" Nicholas said shutting his eyes off.

"What she said earlier, she really meant that we're going to kill... I hope it's not us killing each other!" Hanbin said and deeply sighed.

"Of course not! I'm pretty sure they have something else prepared for us!" Nicholas stood up and snatch the cube from Hanbin.

"Give it back man!" Hanbin tried to take it back but Nicholas is way taller than him.

"But anyway, whose mentor is Miss Jisoo?" Sungchul asked as he turned to the two.

"Isn't it Jaebeom?" Hanbin asked but Sungchul barely agreed.

*   *   *

Jimin, Geonu & Jaebeom

It's already dark outside and the clock had approached 10.

Every ilanders are sleeping soundly except for one.

Geonu has been standing in front of their window for a few hours now.

He couldn't sleep because of the thought that's been bothering him.

He couldn't accept the fact that he was right. And now he's having second thoughts of why he decided to join the game.

I must survive.
Whatever happens we have to survive...

He said to himself and turned to look at Jimin and Jaebeom who's sleeping soundly. Both were cuddling each other.

The next day...

Everyone were called out to the green field.

There they saw one of their mentors,  Jimin. Already waiting for all of them.

 Already waiting for all of them

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