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After the ilanders finished their lunch, they proceeded to the Ground where two mentors are already waiting.

Beomgyu had his usual expression which is the complete opposite of the ilanders and the mentor, Ryujin. She was carrying a folder on her hand.

The ilanders have the thought of seeing a champion in front of them gives them a bit of hope.

"Just in time..." he said with his usual tone.

"First, I would like to congratulate you on passing the first test!" He smiled at them making the ilanders satisfied and clapped their hands like a five years old.

"So now, we're here to tell you about your next test!" He said and pointed the armory to them.

"If I'm going to be honest, your combat test was a failure and you only passed your test with pure luck!" As soon as he said those, the smiles on the ilanders face faded.

Ryujin rolled her eyes and handed the folder to Beomgyu. "Take it easy Beom!" She whispered.

"Now your second test, is to shoot a target! Pretty simple!" He said and heaved a sigh while he opened the folder.

"Heeseung! Jay! K! Sunghoon! Geonu! Seon! And Jake!" Beomgyu started calling the seven ilanders and Ryujin instructed them to step forward.

"Out of all 12 of you that remained, only the seven of you showed improvement! And the rest, when I said you passed by pure luck, I meant them for you!" Beomgyu said.

He told them to pick a weapon they think they will be able to harness their skill with.

Daniel, Jay and Nicholas picked the daggers.

Heeseung, K, Jake, Sunoo and Jungwon picked the bow and arrows.

Sunghoon, Jaebeom, Geonu and Seon picked the guns.

Beomgyu separated them according to the weapons they will use.

The two started teaching them the right postures and techniques to use their weapons.

At the end of the day, unlike their first trainings, they didn't have as much of injuries.

It was almost time for dinner when they finished.

"Now... The second test will be held in seven days! Aside from training your skill to shoot! You have to train again for combat! And the most important thing, is that you're mental state is prepared to fight!" Ryujin explained.

After a few conversations, Beomgyu told them to leave except for Heeseung.

"You told them?" Beomgyu asked him but Heeseung were hesitating to answer thinking Ryujin may have no idea.

"Told them what?" She asked. Beomgyu turned to her for a few seconds and she suddenly left stomping her feet.

"S-she doesn't know?" Heeseung asked and Beomgyu only nodded his head.

"So you told them?"


"So far Heeseung, I haven't been disappointed given of your improvement! I trust that you can make me a promise!"

"What is it?"

"Don't regret your decisions... Because if you find the end of this survival game... you will realize how worthy everything you've done!" Beomgyu said and patted his shoulder.

Heeseung nodded his head and felt himself smiling awkwardly.

"Truth be told, I really like you... So I look forward on seeing you planting your flag on the hill with your fellow champions soon!"

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