Kit Herondale

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If you don't like angst, LEAVE. I'm in a shit load of pain Rn and as I use my writing to basically yeet my emotions, y'all are getting pain too ☺️ there's going to be A LOT of spelling mistakes in this cause if you think I have the patience to edit this right now, you're insane. Anyway enjoy this thing that had no plot line except angst in my mind.


Kit Herondale honestly did not know how he got into this situation. No circumstances should have ever led to him and Ty fighting of a hoard of demons back to back. It just never should have happened. If he took a guess, he'd say everything started to go wrong when they turned right instead of left at that intersection and saw a demon that usually roamed in a pack. Expect it was alone. So, being the idiots they are, they decided to take care of it. Well- Ty's not an idiot but still. As soon as they killed the thing, the rest swarmed in.

So actually Kit DID know how he got into this situation. He just didn't know how to get out of it. How the hell were you meant to? No one could ever fight of a hoard of demons, not even Emma. Maybe Percy Jackson could, but he's not real so no hope for that.

"They should have noticed that we didn't show up for the switchover at the institute by now," Kit called to Ty while slicing a head off.

"They'll take about ten minutes to find us still Kit, and I don't think we can keep this up for that long," Ty replied, stabbing a demon.

Ty was right; they couldn't. Both of them were tired from how long they'd been fighting for and they needed help ASAP. Every time either of them killed one, it was instantly replaced by another. The only thing stopping them from dying at the moment was that they hadn't been separated yet.

Thankfully, help came a lot sooner than predicted.

Unfortunately, help didn't arrive soon enough.

Just as the blue light of a portal shimmered into existent, a tentacle wrapped around his ankle and pulled. He yelped as he got slammed into the ground and kicked out, trying to dislodge the tentacle. He hissed at the burn and was faintly aware that his name was being called by multiple people. He swung out with his seraph blade but it broke against the demons skin.

"Well fuck," was all he said before teeth sunk into his leg.

Just as the demon bit him, a sword came out of nowhere (for him anyway) and sliced it in half. Kit kicked it off and sat up. His head swam slightly but not badly so he brushed it off as not that bad. A hand wrapped around forearm and pulled him up. Kit glanced behind him to see Ty once he was steady. He face was etched with worried as he helped Kit hobble over to the portal, the others making them a path. Kit leaned more into Ty when his world started tilting and made an annoyed noise. They stopped momentarily and he took a deep breath. The pain was starting to get worse, shock and adrenaline wearing off. He felt a slight sting on his neck and turned his head to see Ty freeze.

"Ty?" Kit mumbled, unsure about why they hadn't started moving now that Ty had gave him an iratze.

But all Ty did was shift so he could pick him up. Kit protested with a groan but let it be. He rested his head against Ty and blinked slowly. Why did he feel so tired all of a sudden? Ty tightened his grip as he stepped through the portal. He heard someone swear when they came out the other side and he felt himself get lowered to the floor. A knife cut away his pant leg and someone swore again. Ty's face appeared above his head and Kit blinked up at him. He'd forgotten how beautiful Ty was for a second there. Everything was getting hazier now though, so when Ty opened his mouth and spoke, it sounded like he was underwater.

"Ty?" He muttered again, "I- I don't feel so good."

He watched as Ty's eyes become glassy, the edge of his vision starting to fade. Ty leaned down and pressed his lips to Kit's forehead, mumbling something against his skin that Kit couldn't hear or make out.

Ty pulled back and as Kit stared up at him, his vision went black.

His breath stuttered to a stop.

And Ty let out a sob.

Kit Herondale was dead.


.... so. This is probably terrible. I'm sorry. Imma go write another one later. Maybe. If y'all want it. I'm still in pain but writing has helped take my mind off of it. I feel like this was really shit tho cause I'm not good with angst?? So yeahhhhh. Also I love y'all's comments, they make me happy 🥺 and it helps me feel kinda motivated.

Btw, the first thing Ty said that Kit couldn't hear was "you can't leave me, okay? I only just got you back."
But when Kit replied with I don't feel so good Ty knew he was going to die so he kissed his forehead and said "good bye Christopher" cause he wasn't going to miss the opportunity to say his farewell in person.
Later in private Ty told Dru that Christoper had always been one of his comfort words, but now it was so much more. It was the first person to ever properly understand him outside his family. It was his best friend that could have been more if they had been given the time. It was the name of his Watson.

Kitty one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now