Zara Dearbitch

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Please don't hate me *hides behind couch*

Kit Herondale was sitting against a wall in the training room, watching Ty hit bullseye after bullseye after bullseye. He sighed contently, perfectly fine with just sitting here and admiring the view. But of course, nothing can be perfect. At that moment, Zara fucking Dearborn walked into the room. She didn't seem to notice Kit but her gaze  instantly found Ty. She walked up to him and tapped him on his shoulder roughly. Tiberius turned around, startled, pulling his headphones off and letting them rest around his neck.

"Zara. What do you want?" Ty inquired, fidgeting with his headphone cord.

"What is up with you? You're constantly fidgeting with something, you don't like being touched, you have to have specific structure and you're always listening to dumb music. What is wrong with you?" She stated, taking a step too far into Ty's space.

Kit noticed how Ty winced away from her and his hands shook nervously at his side. Kit stood up quietly, his fist ready.

"What's wrong with that?" Ty asked.

Zara looked at him like 'seriously? I have to explain?' and sighed, clearly frustrated.

"It's wrong because it's not normal and it's weird. No one should be doing those things."

Ty winced again, taking a step away from Zara. Kit felt his rage hit the point of  no return and put himself between Zara and Ty, glaring at her.

"Oh! Christopher! How are you?," Zara asked, her tone turning sweet, "would you like to go on a walk wi—"

Thankfully, she never got to finish her sentence because Kit's fist collided with her nose with a lovely sickening crunch. Zara stumbled backwards, her hand flying upwards to hold her broken bleeding nose.

"You asshole! What was that for?!" She exclaimed.

"Never EVER say that Ty is weird and wrong. He may not be normal like you or like me, but that's what makes him fucking amazing. Now, get your as out of my sight before I break something else," Kit said, extremely angry.

Zara ran out of the room faster than the flash, not wanting a broken jaw to go with her broken nose most likely.

Kit turned back around to Ty and reached out carefully to place a hand on Ty's arm, allowing Ty to pull away if he needed to.

"Don't believe a single word she says Ty, you're amazing just the way you are," Kit informed him, giving him a smile.

Ty smiled back gratefully and leaned down to kiss Kit softly.

"Thank you Christopher."


Kit was sitting at the kitchen table, a coffee mug in hand. He and Ty had stayed up late last night watching Sherlock and he was exhausted. Ty was still asleep in bed, a note beside him left by Kit explaining where he was. He smiled softly, remembering Ty's sleep tousled hair and how peaceful he looked asleep. Kit was knocked out of his thoughts as someone entered the kitchen.

"Oh... didn't expect you to be here Kit," the person said, they're annoying feminine voice making Kit want to drown himself in his coffee somehow.


"Wouldn't expect you to be awake either Dearborn," he stated, his voice laced with tiredness.

Zara came over and sat down beside him, too close for Kit's liking. To make it worse, she placed one of her disgusting hands on his arm.

"You do know that freaky Tiberius kid has a crush on you right? It's SO obvious! It's just gross. If you ask my opinion in the matter, I think gay people are a disease," she said, disgust seeping into her voice.

Kit's head snapped in her direction and it took every inch of restraint he had from breaking her jaw.

"Gay people aren't disgusting or a disease Zara. They're just different. There is NOTHING wrong with that. Now, if you don't mind, I'd love it if you removed your hand from my arm."

She sighed, removed her hand and stood up. "Don't say I didn't warn you. The Blackthorns are a terrible bunch, especially Drusilla Blackthorn. She's too large for a shadowhunter."

Kit took a deep breath. Don't punch her don't punch her don't punch her don't punch her. Oh fuck it, she deserves it.

Kit got up and slammed his fist into Zara's jaw, hoping he'd broken something.

"Dru is a beautiful amazing young woman, YOU'RE the disgusting one who doesn't deserve to be a shadowhunter," he hissed at her, picking up his coffee and left the room.

He made his way back to Ty's room and opened the door carefully, slipping back inside. Kit placed his coffee on the bedside table and crawled back under the covers, cuddling up next to Ty.

"Kit?" Ty mumbled sleepily, pulling him closer. "You okay? You seem tense."

"Yeah... punched Zara in the face again," he sighed. "She's really getting on my nerves."

Ty placed a soft kiss to Kit's forehead. "What did she do this time?"

"Said that gay people were a disease and then proceeded to shame Dru's body. Let's just say I really hope I broke Zara's jaw."

"I really hope you broke her jaw too," Ty replied. "Now go back to sleep, it's too early to wake up considering how long we stayed up last night."

"Good idea," Kit muttered as he buried his head into Ty's chest, relishing in his warmth and smell.

He smiled happily. Even if Zara was a bitch and put him in a terrible mood, he could always count on Ty to make him happy again. After all, they were boyfriends.


Please don't hate me 🥺 this H U R T to write but the fact that Zara got punched in the face made it bearable. IM SORRY IVE BEEN GONE SO LONG!! But I'm BACK BITCHES 😎
Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

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