Reunions part 2.2

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^^this fan made trailer is cool^^
Ok so I didn't have enough time to write an actual chapter so this is from a while ago. This is the second option of what could have happened after 'Reunions - Part 1.' I suggest going back and reading it if you don't remember.

Kit took a sharp intake of breath; he hadn't been in LA since Magnus and Alec's wedding. The institute was looming up in front of them like a castle. Kit felt a small tug towards it and mentally slapped himself. No, he thought, the people here don't care. As soon he thought this though, he knew it was a lie. Ty might not but the others did. He released a shaky breath and turned towards Jem, away from the Institute.

"I probably should have told you that we were coming here," Jem stated.

"Yeah, you probably should have," Kit replied sharply. Jem mumbled something that sounded like 'Herondale's' and started walking. Kit quickly followed him, trying to ignore all the memories that were crashing over him like a wave. Memories of his farther, Emma, Kieran, Aline and all of the Blackthorns. Especially Ty. They walked up the hill in complete silence; Jem obviously knew that Kit wasn't happy. Kit was annoyed and felt completely betrayed. Jem reached the door and raised his hand about to knock when the door flew open. Dru was standing there, hair ruffled. She launched herself at Kit, who almost fell backwards, and hugged him like her life depended on it. And that's all it took for his defences to come down and he hugged her back just as hard.

"I've missed you," he mumbled into her hair. She'd gotten taller over the past 13 months and when they pulled apart, it shocked him how much she reminded him of Livvy. A shock of pain suddenly went through his body and he knew that Dru had just slapped him hard.

"How dare you leave without saying good bye!" She yelled. "Do you know how much that hurt Ty!? How much it hurt me?! And what you said to Ty has stayed with him! How could you say that to him!? Remember what Livvy said?!"

At the mention of Livvy, Kit tensed. He hadn't met anything he'd said to Ty that day; he'd been heart broken. And he'd hurt Dru? He must of had a mixture of confusion and regret on his face because Dru sighed and pulled him in for another hug.

"Of course he cared, Kit," she mumbled into his shoulder so only he could hear. "Of course I cared. And I know you didn't mean anything you said, but Ty doesn't. You need to tell him."

"You dont underst-" Kit started before a high pitched squeal cut him off.

"KIT!!" Tavvy squealed and came barreling towards him. Dru quickly moved away as Kit bent his legs and caught Tavvy in his arms, lifting him up with ease and swung him around. Tavvy was giggling like crazy and squealing. Kit stopped, resting the boy on his hip as he continued to giggle. Kit looked up smiling to see Julian, Emma, Dru and Jem all smiling at the two of them. Kit stuck his tongue out, lowering Tavvy back to the ground.

"Ohhhhh! What's that?" Tavvy asked pointing to the bottom of a bow that was sticking out from his coat. (Fun fact: I have a bow)

"That is a bone bow," Kit replied taking it off of his back so Tavvy could see. "Faerie made," he added. Tavvy's eyes went wide as he reached out. Kit laughed and pulled it out of the boys reach.

"Sorry but its a family heirloom," Kit explained as he put it back in place under the coat. Tavvy looked at him confused and Kit sighed. 'That's right, you don't know." Kit glanced at Emma and the others; Julian and Dru looked utterly confused, but Emma and Jem just kept smiling.

"You should tell them Kit," Emma said. The Blackthorns looked at her betrayed and she just shrugged.

"Tell us what?" came a voice that Kit knew too well, that he had missed. Tiberius Blackthorn was standing to the left of Dru. Kit froze, the events of of that night coming back to him. He swallowed and looked away; but not before Ty made eye contact with him. Kit had seen the hurt and surprise in them, he knew that Ty had seen the exact same thing in his eyes. The room fell into an awkward silence. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Jem.

Oh shit, Kit thought. He has that 'I know Herondale's too well' look on his face.

"We'll talk about this at home," Jem whispered so only Kit could hear. "Let's do what we came here to do," he said this time so everyone could hear.

"Follow me," Julian instructed. Julian lead them all into the library and they all took seats at the tables; Kit as far away from Ty that was possible.

"Well, we know that they're looking for someone living in the Institute and that they want to use them as leverage against Seelie and Unseelie court. They've also been asking about the first heir. But the only people with faerie blood at the institute is Helen and Mark and they most definitely aren't a descendant of the first heir." Julian stated.

"That's also why it's rather impossible to use anyone here because though Kieran may care, the Seelie queen wouldn't care at all," Ty pointed out.

"But she would if they were a decendant from the first heir," Kit spoke up. "Or if they were important to Ash." (Druuuuuu)

"Julian pointed out why it cant be the first heir's descendants alr-" Ty started but was interrupted by Kit snorting. Everyone turned to look at Kit.

"I thought you were meant to be observant," Kit said. He flipped his bow, which was sitting in his lap, purposely. (His coat is off btw). "Faerie made and like I said; family heirloom.." Ty's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to say something before Kit cut him off again.

"She escaped from faerie, fell in love with a Herondale, had a child who then had another child which was my mother. My mother met my dad, Jack Crow was his name at the time, and had me. Quite simple if you ask me. Also part of the reason why I left."

Everyone was staring at Kit surprised then. Jem and Emma obviously hadn't been expecting him to tell the others. After about a minute Dru spoke up.

"So they're after you?" Dru asked concerned. Kit nodded and looked down at his feet.

"The old Unseelie King wanted my bloodline dead, so he ordered the Riders of Mannan to hunt my ancestors down. Tessa and Jem tried to offer my mum help but she refused it. She left my father and I so the Riders wouldn't know that she had a child. My dad then changed his name to Johnny Rook at that point. After being on the run for a while, she settled down just outside of LA. The Riders soon found her and she called for Tessa and Jem, but by the time they got there, she was already dead," Kit told them while looking at his feet. His voice broke slightly at the end and Jem was sitting beside him in a few seconds, wrapping his arms around Kit's shoulders. Kit collapsed against him not caring if there were other people in the room. He needed somebody right now more than he ever had before. The couch sunk a little to one side and Kit glanced over to see Ty. Thats when he finally shattered and he lunged at Ty, hugging him and breaking down. Ty tensed before he embraced Kit back tightly. Ty started whispering words into Kit's ear; Kit soon recognised them as Ty's calming words. He was slightly surprised when Ty started saying Kit's.


Ty sat completely still as Kit explained. His heart broke when Kit's voice broke and Ty just wanted to go over there and embrace him. He didn't though as Jem was already there wrapping his arms around Kit. Kit collapsed into him and it was obvious how much of a father figure Jem had become to him.

"Go on," someone said nudging his arm. Julian. "Let him know your there for him." Ty looked up at Julian slightly surprised. Julian sighed and just pushed him forward. Ty slowly walked over to Kit and sat down beside him. He saw those sky blue eyes glance at him, saw the last of his walls break. Kit was suddenly embracing him and Ty froze from shock. But Kit had also started crying softly into his shoulder and Ty had a feeling that this was the first time Kit had cried in a while. So he hugged Kit tightly back. He felt him collapse entirely.

"Glass, twin, apple, whisper, stars, crystal, shadow, lilt," Ty whispered so only Kit could hear. He did it for both his and Kit's benefit.

"Whisper, cloud, secret, highway, hurricane, mirror, castle, thorns," he said this time, revising Kit's own calming words. "Blackthorns."

He felt Kit smile slightly against his neck and he whispered back "I've missed you a lot Tiberius Blackthorn."

Ty's heart did a weird backflip thing that he would soon come to only associate with Kit.

"And I you Christopher Herondale," he muttered back.

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