Goodbye Watson

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This ones gonna be a shortish one and I was seriously contemplating NOT writing this cause I honestly have got no idea how to write from Ty's POV anymore and I just KNOW Imma do it incorrectly. So sorry in advance. Also the boys new flower cards are just so fucking perfect for them 🥺🥺.


To be honest, when the reinforcements had shown up, Ty had thought that they'd be okay. He thought that with his family finally here, he and Kit would get out of this.

He realised just how wrong his assessment of the situation was when he heard Kit yell. The presence that had remained near his back was suddenly gone and Ty felt dread settle in his gut and he turned quickly, looking for his friend. He paled when his eyes locked onto Kit who had a demon latched to his leg. Ty was moving before he even made the conscious decision to, his sword cutting the demon in half. Kit quickly kicked it off and sat up, swaying slightly. Ty looked him up and down, gritting his teeth when he noted the bite mark on Kit's leg.

He hadn't been fast enough.

Wrapping a hand around Kit's forearm, he helped pull him up so he was standing and steady. Ty was unable to keep the worry from showing on his face as he helped Kit hobble over to the portal. His family was fighting around them, the sounds of their swords slicing demon flesh making him wince and itch for his headphones.

When Kit leaned more into his side and made an annoyed sound, Ty tried to drown everything else out. He stopped walking and pulled out his stele, drawing an iratze rune quickly on Kit's neck. Ty buried his stele back in his pocket before freezing. No. No no no no no. He felt panic start to creep up his throat because the rune had just disappeared.

Kits head turned towards him, obviously confused. "Ty?"

He swallowed and shifted so he could pick Kit up bridle-style. Ty hurried through the portal, coming out at the LA institute. He heard Tessa gasp as she caught sight of Kit, causing Ty to lift his head to meet her gaze. She must have seen something in his expression that conveyed the reality of what was happening as her face paled. Tessa gestured for him to set Kit down and pulled out a knife. When Kit was settled on the ground, she cut away his pants leg to gain a better view of the wound. The area around the bite had turned a pale green and blood continued to flow from the punctures slowly. Tessa instantly set to work to see if she could slow the spread of the poison.

Kit gazed back up at him with a dazed expression as Ty leaned over him.

"You can't leave me, okay?" Ty told him, his voice shaking slightly. "I only just got you back."

"Ty?" Kit muttered, barely audible and sounding like he was forcing the words out of his mouth. "I- I don't feel so good."

Ty's gaze unfocused as tears filled his eyes. He glanced over at Tessa to see a look of hopelessness and grief on her face and he knew. Kit wasn't going to make it. There was nothing any of them could do.

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to Kit's forehead.

"Good bye Christopher," he murmured against his skin, pulling back just in time to see Kit's eyes flutter closed as his breath hitched and his chest stilled.

And his chest stayed still as Ty bowed his head and let out a sob.

Kit Herondale had drawn his last breath.


Please forgive me!! I felt a need to write this from Ty's POV even though I knew it would be difficult for me. As an apology I wrote an extra scene that may hurt more but here:

The bed dipped as Ty sat down beside her. Dru looked up at her brother and wanted nothing more to pull him into a hug. His eyes were bloodshot from crying, dark circles seemingly permanently etched under his eyes due to lack of sleep. She lowered her gaze away from his face and caught sight of the two necklaces he wore. One had belonged to Livvy, and the other to Kit. The two people Ty had loved the most but also lost.

"Christopher was always one of my comfort words," Ty said out of the blue, causing Dru's eyes to snap back up to his face.

He's expression was sad but also reminiscent in a way. She nodded to show she was listening.

"Now though... it's so much more. It's the name of my best friend, the first person outside of you guys to finally understand me. It's the name of a person who could have been more than friend if we'd been given the time because I loved him, even if it took my ages to figure out. But," Ty paused as he shifted his gaze to look her straight in the eye, "most importantly, it was the name of my Watson."

His voice cracked at the end and Dru felt her heart break. She held her arms out and Ty sunk into them, accepting the comfort this once.

"I'm glad you felt comfortable with telling me that," Dru said while she held onto her brother tightly, as if she could hold him together, as if a part of him hadn't died along with Kit.


I just want to add that at one point in this, my phone auto-corrected Kit to slit. ANYWAY hope you enjoyed this and sorry for the butchered attempt at Ty's POV.

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