Reunions 2.2 part 2

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Trippy title🙃^ this was a request from jellyenvi so here ya go mate.

And extreme fluff warning.

(Kits POV)

It had been a year since Kit and Jem had gone to the LA Institute for information on those faeries, and lets just say that a lot had happened in that year. He still lived with Jem, Tessa and Mina, but he visited the Institute frequently. The main reason being his relationship with Tiberius Blackthorn. He and Ty had become friends again, however awkward it was, and that friendship had slowly turned into something more; a relationship. That's right, he was dating Ty Blackthorn. But, this fact wasn't widely known yet. The only people that knew were Tessa, Jem, Julian, Ty and himself. Julian didn't exactly find out the easy way though.


(Kits POV again)

*1 month before*

Kit smirked up at his boyfriend and Ty returned it with one of his dazzling smiles that made Kit's head spin. He had his arms wound around Ty's neck, while Ty's were around his waist. Ty leaned down and kissed Kit softly on the nose. Kit scrunched his face up, which only made Ty's smile widen.

"You're adorable," Ty stated.

Kit buried his face in Ty's neck, attempting to hide his blush. Ty chuckled lightly and kissed his cheek. Kit smiled against Ty's neck, pressing a soft kiss to it. He heard Ty's small grunt, and began sucking lightly.

"Kit," Ty panted, his fingers digging into Kit's hips.

"Yeah?" Kit mumbled back, a small smile on his lips.

Ty put a hand on the back of Kit's head, pulling it away from his neck, and kissed him. It was a needy, hungry kiss that Kit could have easily gotten lost in. He moaned slightly as Ty slipped his tongue in to meet his. They broke apart after a moment to get air. Ty rested his forehead against Kit's and pushed him back a step before kissing him again. Before Kit knew it, he'd been backed up to the bed. Ty's hands were under his shirt, roaming his back and chest, while Kit's where in Ty's hair, tangling the strands. He tugged a strand, causing Ty to moan into his mouth. He broke away form Ty gasping for air. Ty, who was also gasping for air, looked at him to make sure what he was about to do was ok. Kit just smiled and flopped back onto the bed, taking Ty with him.

"Kit!" Ty yelped in surprise, eyes wide.

Kit started giggling, because damn his boyfriend looked hot, but he saw the glint that Ty got in eyes. The look that only meant one thing; trouble. Ty repositioned himself above Kit so he was straddling him, and his arms rested on either side of Kit's head.

"You've done it now Herondale," he said with a smirk. Kit leaned up quickly to press a little kiss to Ty's nose.

"Have I now Blackthorn?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.

Ty started to trail kisses across his jaw making Kit's eyes flutter shut and for him to moan quietly. His breath hitched when Ty stopped near his right ear.

"You definitely have Christopher," Ty whispered in Kit's ear, sending shivers down his spine.

Ty kissed slowly down Kit's neck until he reached his sweet spot. He nipped at it, causing Kit to moan loudly. Ty was just about to kiss Kit again when the door opened.

Kit had never seen Ty move so fast; one second he was on top of Kit, the next he was standing beside the bed. Kit himself had moved almost as fast, but decided on only siting up. In the door way stood Julian, who looked like he'd just seen Dru having sex with a snake.

"I- wha- um- uh-,"'Julian spluttered, clearly not able to process this new bit of information.

Kit glanced at Ty, who was as red as a tomato, whether from embarrassment or what they'd just been doing, Kit didn't know. One thing he did know, is that he was most likely just as red as Ty. Julian was looking between the two of them like they'd switched heads but not bodies, and it was really starting to unnerve Kit.

"Uh Julian, is there a specific reason your uh here?" Kit asked.

Julian's gaze landed on Kit and stayed there, which didn't help in making Kit feel better.

"I came up to tell Ty that Dinner was ready and ask him if he could find you and tell you," he mumbled.

"Well um thanks-" Kit started before Julian cut him off.

"How long?" Julian asked. "I mean, how long have you two been together?"

Kit glanced at Ty, nervously. Julian had been the person that both of them had been worried about telling the most. But Julian had found out now, so no point in lying.

"Four months," Ty said, taking Kit's hand in his own.

Julian just stood there for a moment before breaking out into a smile. He came over to them and ruffled Ty's hair.

"I'm proud of you," he told Ty before turning to Kit. "If you ever ever hurt Ty again, I will make you wish that you were never born."

Kit just nodded. No doubt you would, he thought.

"Anyway, be down soon. Bye!" Julian said before leaving. He poked his head around the door. "No funny business by the way." He closed the door behind him.

Kit looked at Ty for a second, slightly shocked that Julian hadn't made a bigger deal of it. After that second, they both burst out laughing.

"His face-" Kit gasped before breaking down into bother fit of giggles.

He glanced over at his boyfriend to see the most beautiful sight ever. Ty's face was red from laughter, his smile breathtaking and his eyes dancing with amusement, yet also slight embarrassment. Ty locked eyed with him for a second, and Kit got lost in those grey orbs.

"I love you Tiberius Nero Blackthorn," he mumbled before kissing Ty. It was a quick soft kiss, but it still made Kit loose multiple senses for a few seconds.

Ty's grin got impossibly wider as he replied with "I love you too Christopher Jonathon Herondale." Kit would never get used to hearing that.

The kiss they shared after that was a little deeper, a little more numbing, but it didn't make Kit completely clueless.

"We should go to dinner, don't want Julian to get suspicious now, do we?" Kit said, raising his eyebrow.

"No we wouldn't," Ty replied, taking Kits hand and dragging Kit down to dinner, only letting go after they get there.

I swear this is the most heated thing I've ever written and it probably sucks. Anyway, thank you for waiting. I was gonna update last night, but my eyes were sore and I didn't trust them, so sorry. I think I just gave up at some point while writing this though, so sorry if it isn't that good. Plus this is 1170 words.

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