Highschool AU - part 2

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I made a slight mistake of having Kits last name Herondale before his dad died so we're just gonna say good old Johnny Rook wasn't an idiot in this AU 👍🏻.


Kit wiped his tear stained cheeks, trying to get rid of any traces that he'd been crying as the car pulled up into the drive way of the orphanage. The other people in the car said something but Kit wasn't paying attention. The image of his father getting stabbed over and over again kept replaying in his mind.

"Christopher!" Called one of the people in the car. Kit blinked and focused on the person. Tessa Gray, one of the people who'd saved him.

"It's Kit," he corrected.

"As I was saying, the people here are nice and I'm sure you all will get along," she said as they pulled up to the drive way.

Kit got out of the car and dragged himself up to the front door. He glanced at Tessa who encouraged him to go in. He sighed as he pushed open the door with a little more force then needed, causing him to stumble forward and into someone.

"Kit?" asked a familiar voice.

Kit glanced up so fast that he pulled a muscle in his neck.

"Ty?" He asked surprised as he stared up at the tall boy whose hair had fallen into his face and Kit was in the arms of.

"Kit what are you doing here?" Ty questioned, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Take a guess," he mumbled, his voice cracking slightly.

"Oh," Ty said his eyes widening. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, i-it's fine. I'm fine," he replied.

That was a total lie; Kit was NOT fine.

Kit could tell that Ty didn't quiet believe him but he nodded any way.

"Ty! Who's here?" Called a voice that Kit also recognised, this one was feminine though.

He smiled slightly as he pulled away from Ty.

"It's me! Kit!" He called back, not caring that she'd addressed Ty and not him.

Livvy appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. "Kit Herondale? What the hell are you doing here?" She said as she ran up and hugged him.

"My dads dead," he mumbled, blinking away the tears that threatened to spill at those words. "And ya know, since I never knew my mum and Jace and Will are both overseas at the moment visiting some one I can't go there so here I am."

Livvy's mouth hung open slightly in shock. "Your dads dead? Johnny Rook is dead? How did it happen? By the angel this is terrible!"

Kit let out a choked laugh. "I know. But um I don't really want to talk about it."

"I see you've already met the Blackthorn twins. Christopher I-" Tessa started saying before Kit cut her off again.

"It's Kit. Not Christopher. How many times do I have to tell you that?" He said slightly annoyed now. How long did it take to get used to someone's name?

Tessa mumbled a sorry and corrected herself. "Kit, I would advise you to open up to the people here sooner rather than later. Bottling up your grief will do you no good. Now if you'd excuse us, Jem and I have to go."

"But you just got here and I haven't even said hi to Jem yet," whined a blonde haired girl who Kit hadn't noticed.

"We can stay for a little bit. Ty, do you mind showing Kit where he can stay?" Jem asked.

"Not at all," Ty said. "Follow me Kit."

Kit mumbled a "see ya later" to Jem and Tessa and followed Ty up the stairs and down the hall to a spare bedroom. The orphanage was actually kinda nice. There was a little too many stairs, but he could get used to it. Plus, the inhabitants seemed nice, and it was good that he already new Livvy and Ty. He knew from experience that Livvy was a great friend to have and would back him no matter what, and that Ty was a magnificent person who would also back him up, but who could also make him feel better just by smiling at him.

"This is it." Ty pointed to a door which looked like it hadn't been opened in decades. "Mines directly next door and Livvy's is across the hall from my room as well."

Kit smiled to show that he was thankful for the information and opened the door. The bed was covered in dust and just about everything else was too. He'd definitely have to fix that later.

"Do you want to talk about what happened or do you need some time?" Ty asked him.

Kit looked at Ty surprised he'd asked.

"I need some time," he replied, his voice quiet.

Ty nodded in understanding. "Whenever you want to, I'll be here," Ty reassured Kit.

The corners of Kits mouth rose into a smirk. "I know. And you'll be the first person I come to."

Ty smiled back at him and Kit thought that maybe, just maybe, everything would be okay.


Should I write more? I might 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️
Sorry for the wait 😅

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